-Haim, Saročka for three years as she died, why aren't you married?
-You know, I'm looking for a woman with asthma.
– ?
-After Saročki left so much medication.
Dear Friends! The last time an eerie aversion to reality makes writing not about regular State victories and the surrounding reality. But it is not so easy. No special difficulties, no, but ... Soberëš′sâ only write about another wise saying someone from statesmen like ...
Stop talking about yourself! Achtung, wait a minute! We'll have to wait until scoring even more wise thoughts, and ... There appears another victorious relation and you start to realize that it is too early yet, still time has not come to sit down and write a landmark thing ...
Why landmark? No, well, not only because the capital pen and journalists in the hope that their messing will appreciate and be rewarded. We have, in distant province, also have the nuggets who write so that all law enforcement bodies cannot fall asleep and start them, how would plant in the dark and raw camera.
Vaughn recently, Detachment planted. Well as planted. This was already in the spring of this year. Temporarily detained. And here there is already progress. Knowledgeable people say that for a long time. But this is the trend. This is important. Who is Alex?! Good question. Well, he was a member,Committee on January 25,, then left.
Here it is, the far right along with the abortive associates. And now, at least known in narrow circles , Mr Sulakšin defended the Lëši.
And not just made. The network got interesting information that ... Alexey Kungurova to nominate candidates for election must be ... Moreover, this initiative solely of Mr Sulakšina. Muddy history, but it had to stop. And what wonder. Compared to what it was, this is sophomoric.
And here, once again, our restless, like a child in kindergarten, Dmitry Anatolyevich, well one that Medvedev, well one that Russian Government directs. Well as directs. Apparently, in his time caused and asked. Do you want the Government to play?! Well, like the soldiers, only without the rifles and guns. And who doesn't want to given, yes even if without machines and guns. That's agreed. And who wouldn't agree?! Sidi, order, from raz″ezžaj. You pretend that you really respect and fear. Thought your smart record, with equally clever kind. Not life, but Raspberry ...
Although people communicate, so you do not Twitter Twitter. There can and questions uncomfortable to ask that by the way happened in Crimea, which, as if we do not lie, returned to his native city. Who asked awkward questions?! You know who retired. These, any Manager to bring cugundera. These, the work of any organization is destabilizing. These, remember, as it should be, and not as regular Manager from politics said ...
Dmitry Anatolyevich apparently was warned. Join in the discussion, he did not. Responded modestly, with aching heart provincial frankness. Type of money for pensioners is gone, and not yet in sight. But ... There is no reason for panic, and urged all to stay. Though not specified for that stay and how to stay ... This is important.
And yet did not specify, or rather not said with his usual frankness Democrats. There is no money at all?! No money only for pensioners? And here we come to a very important issue. No, I'm not going to talk about strange penalties imposed civilized Europeans. Why strange?! Well ... You see, if we impose sanctions, they should be sanctions, rather than imitation of the sanctions. Have you heard anything about the refusal of the Europeans from Russian energy. And why?! The question of the level of rhetorical ...
Imagine retired people want to eat, and money for the food they have. And the State has no money, as Dmitry Medvedev told them. But the State has a lot of food. Can check if go shopping and markets. That is, it turns out, there is food, there are pensioners who need it, but don't have the extra pieces, well then there is money to pensioners could buy it.
Far from the modern economy people can propose to take and print money. Print and give pensioners, but ... So can speak only unversed in the economy of the people. Maybe, I say maybe, d. Medvedev can and wants to print them. But who will allow him to do it. It turns out that he and the head of a big, but kind and not the head.
Before, it was because it was?! Foreign, took out a loan and pay pensions. The truth is no one is confused by the fact that the credit is taken in USD, and pensions were paid in rubles. What embarrassed, give money, take it and run not yet selected. Well, that is, it turns out, those prints you can print dollars, while those who have food print rubles cannot be. This will be considered to undermine the economy.
No, I understand that the average citizen will ever sold, it will be surplus. Yourself to keep and sell surplus. So to say, to start with yourself, and then on export životvorâŝem think. But apparently, statesmen are unfamiliar with this logic ...
What?! Earn dollars when we?! Good question. You see, making these the most dollars should not be the main and only in such a way that those who toil, will they be rewarded for their work. It is interesting to me and not tried whether the Russian State to release their money ... The idea is interesting, but existing realities unenforceable.
You may encounter suspicion that yours truly does not like the dollar. I have to say, this is a baseless suspicion. How can you not love a dollar! In another case. The genius of Russian leaders allowed the State to come to such a State of affairs, in which ... Yes, nobody is surprised. Sold for export energy, Russian Treasury has the money. Dropped on them the price, less money in the Treasury. And if you imagine that it will not sell, and there will be no money. Nicely though.
It is clear that if Western consumers, and not just the West, stop buying energy, then there will be no money in the Treasury, and for all of us to be quietly die. There will be no money from the State. And money of strangers. This is important. Its something you cannot print. So us great economists say. Can you imagine so much land still available production capacities, Nedra ... But money may not be. And if America tomorrow will no longer exist as a State and to stop printing dollars. Then, Yes, ive, one must die of starvation. That's right. All in accordance with the laws of the State of the economy. This is important.
Although, what we say! The most important thing, as it turned out, it's more to earn those dollars. And earn at any cost. We need the dollars, and we don't stand for the price. Recently he performed one of the leaders, as it is now fashionable to say, government economic block and said ... Phenomenal! Brilliant!
If we translate all this magnificence in normal language. Fellow Germans! Comrades and accomplices! Slave labor we have surprisingly cheap. Profit to you. Yes, steal. But this does not prevent you to invest money and make a profit. You will not interfere with us, we will not bother. Nicely though. The more that has not died out brilliant managers who continue to advise doârkam on how to properly milk cows, and have successfully passed their time in EGE and agronomists, how to sow grain.
By the way on agriculture. Our bright present and no less bright future already shows how dark it was our past. Recently, our perky milk jugs were caught, so to speak, that says hand. Well, it's not that people didn't know. Knew, or rather suspected, but had some doubts that milk in our stores and it's kind of milk, if judged by the beautiful labels, but ...
There is such organization Rosselkhoznadzor. Well, as an organization. So firm. But it seems to get hold ... So, this Office very begun quality traded in Russia. Well, as begun. So, time at work kill you. Take any product, and the result will be exactly the same. But this time they chose milk. And ... It turned out that in milk except water, who would doubt, even mixed with starch, chalk, SOAP, soda, lime, boric or salicylic acid, and horror, even plaster. For what?! Good question. You may not believe it, but everything is done for counterfeiting and for protection from rapid souring. Although, if the evil tongues do not lie, the desired effect is not achieved.
What is started! Oh, like milk jugs were offended! And ... As a child. Type prove! And then complained to this slander Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and the head of the Ministry Alyaksandr Tkačëvu. Type,Please protect the good name of Russian dairymen. Although the issue where we have so much milk, no cows, it never comes. This is important. And importantly, it turns out, according to the Russian firm, dairymen that meat production, there is no proper qualifications to work with finished dairy products.
From myself I will add that there are suspicions about the general lack of any qualifications, this very Office. Amateurs, what you say here. Defend Russian milk! Eagerly waiting for this supervision quality start Russian sausages. Scary to even think that may contain sausage on store shelves. Although, you can guess what kolbasniki and you get offended, and the results of the scan will be called banal maligned ...
-Hello, Haim home?
-And I can go?
-Only fast-make an hour later.
Noticed a trend. Well, as a trend. The tradition is already narisovalas′. Those who for various reasons don't have a large amount of dollars daily Testament. Well, type the dollar at Fox will come as soon as possible. Not beautiful and expensive animal, and the other Fox ... The same with lots of dollars continue its fruitful work for the benefit of the fatherland. There is such a noble profession. Homeland plunder!
Here here recently reported that agreed to sell the most expensive that these thieves have Russian capitalist property.
Evil tongues say that this true story began with missing thirty-five billion dollars received from our Chinese brothers, that we are brothers forever. And now they sell this,Rosneft. India in this case acts as an extra. Nicely though. Russian business, it's what?! The main thing in time to steal, be sure to roll back and have time to cut. This is important. No, it's clear that something complex, in terms of the economic model. And why?! Mechanism of looting the property developed, polished and brought to perfection. Beauty!
And watchful gosudareva Oka no will hide nothing and nobody. The fly does not fly and mosquito are not covered from all angles. Here, in order not to be unfounded, the native state has prepared a surprise for especially honest and clever Russian citizens. Well, for those who are thinking only about their profits. For this category of citizens and invented tax torch that will be stuck in the dark abyss of economic ignorance.
Income tax levied in Russia foreign real estate purchase mortgage
Imagine what an iron logic, which without ognestrela it is very difficult to argue. Apparently on the basis of this fact, it became a lot of positive news stories that will surely delight every Russian. As recently reported Krasnoyarsk broadcaster TVK, the son of a Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region Anatoly Matyushenko played an elegant wedding in France got married in an ancient castle Chateau de Robernier in the province of Provence. pride felt? Not?! Evil you, however!
"As before her nor gnites′, ladies and gentlemen,
You do not gain recognition from Europe:
in her eyes you'll always
No servant of the prosveŝen′â and peasants ".
F. Tyutchev
By a strange coincidence, the groom's dad, is headed to the regional Parliament, the Committee on industry and livelihood issues. Crystal honesty man. Don't believe me?! It is pure honesty and allowed him to declare that the son has lived abroad for almost eight years, and is held by a man as his wife. Guys have made in this lifetime it ourselves. Why not gather your friends in Europe, and do not afford such small pleasure.
People are very fond of dollars. And solid people and even more so. But there are exceptions. There are people who really love the euro. Well, earlier loved the dollar and now euros. Well, they apparently someone said that the euro is stronger than the dollar. Clinical idiots. They don't realize that the dollar is taking revenge for treason. Examples?! They are with me. Kirov region Governor Nikita Belykh. Most recently was arrested for bribery 400 000000 euro. Stupid and greedy. He took would be in dollars, and everything would be fine ...
Of course, the contestant with corruption and revolutionary and perhaps offensively. After all, he did nothing wrong. Vaughn, others steal more and nothing, some even State awards celebrate the ...
No, I understand, that do not steal, it is impossible in principle for officials. For Russian officials, this is a nightmare, but ... Idiots, you at least be smart, really sorry for the rude word. Well, why, well tell me in mercy, Nikituška, why you had to take a bribe in cash? You don't really hear how correctly, almost without leaving traces take bribes?! Why almost without leaving a trace? Yes, because in any case where an official will be in disgrace, the giver will not deny ourselves the pleasure of nastučat′ on extortionists where to. Sometimes the truth extortionist and where it should be, is one and the same person.
Sometimes in life, that is, everything a man says woman caught red-handed, with treason. Seemingly everything. Hold your horses. Looking, what kind of man and looking kind of woman. Meet women who will explain everything that man turns out to be guilty and many months entreats forgiveness for something that offended her incredulity. Well, there's friends will assist you. This is important. By the way, about friends.
Nikita Belykh was lucky. He has the right friends. See how the questions are correct. A bribe like, but she's kind and not a bribe. If evil tongues do not lie. Reported that Nikita stated that the money was intended for the development of the region.
Well, the type of surprise kirovčanam wanted to do. Quietly take the money spend on the development of the area, and then modestly say that was intended. Can you imagine! Another is drawn immediately to the right of each. This always has an opinion on all occasions.
Chief onanist the whole country knows what he's talking about. Volodya, what a speech! Of course, lies and provocation! It is! What is a bribe! So, a trifle out of pocket expenses. Totally agree with the speakers. This is for suckers, surely a bribe. And for the right guys, it's an insult to bribe. Here in protest, say from misunderstanding, our Nikita Belykh announced a hunger strike. That pleases, not dry. It turns out he is protesting against the charges unjust accusations and ... Can you imagine, so far it has not allowed his wife and brother. And yet, this, Maria Gaidar, not allowed. Although it was not particularly lunging to visit prisoner of the regime. This is important.
What a bloody regime brought the situation in the country that ... That honest Governors had to resort to such risky ways to develop cover region. Brilliant! I am only interested in one thing. Well, where there State 400 thousand euros, 000000 if Dmitry Anatolyevich said that there is no money, and invited to stay. So there is money! So I suggest an urgent need, these four hundred thousand, to allocate to pensioners, with whom he talked.
By the way, a few more words about the bloody mode. Now I suggest you a riddle. Well, like a puzzle. So, the question on erudition and attentiveness. You are smart. Tell me, what is this formula?
Not guessed?! EH ... Do not be discouraged! The majority of the population will not be able to guess. It is, just don't be surprised General formula for calculating the pension under the new law. Now, apparently so need a pension initially will be calculated not in rubles and in points. And here then, these balls cost which appears will depend on the contributions of citizens in ... Well, you understand where ... This is important.
Here's a look at all this with permission to say a celebration of life, and really want to live. No, really, really want to live. Why?! Yes just interested to see what this mess is over. So say I want to watch the finals of the story ...
That's all that I wanted to say.
The author would appreciate comments.
Author Gorg July 2016 year
(P) . S.
Until recently all Russian citizens knew that Mr Erdogan is a friend, if not personally, sells a lot of oil that the IGIL. Well, if not, some members of his family, certainly ... We know that not everything is so easy with the once fraternal Turkey. But advocates we were assured that we very successfully bomb oil caravans, than call the discontent of the Erdogan. Type, bombed, bomb and will bomb. So much so that at the highest level, we believe that the Turks are not tomatoes otdelaûtsâ ...
But Chu! The other day, you know whowe all stated that we now again friends and partners. Apparently he knows what we know is optional. So, now living in a free country, the Russians will be able to safely ride rest on Turkish resorts. The main thing would be money enough. This is important.