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Selection of errors №5

Among many famous деяний Архимеда there are also such, which are simply invented. So,
For example, at school to us told, that Архимед has set fire the Roman fleet which has besieged(halted)
Сиракузы, with the help of the large concave mirrors, which focused палящие beams
By the ships римлян.
Actually, as the modern engineers have shown, it cannot achieve. The truth,
Concave зажигательные of a glass were already known per 212 up to AD, when during Second
Пунической of war римляне have come nearer and have besieged(halted) city Сиракузы in Sicily. Moreover,
римляне used such зажигательными glasses, to recover fire in
Extinct flame of a temple. It is impossible to exclude and that great выдумщик Архимед
Really подумывал destroying enemy fleet by such original
By way. But Архимед was not only great физиком, but also perfect engineer, and it(he)
Should quickly be convinced what to realize technically this idea in his(its) time was
It is impossible.
Roman historian Плутарх, in detail described all means, which used for
Protection of native city Архимед, - for example, метательные of the machine or cranes, with the help
Which overturned Roman галеры, - a mirror does not mention. This history for the first time

Occurs in treatise Анатема Траллийского, one of architects мечети Айя-Sofia in
Istanbul devoted to convex and concave mirrors, and in 600 years in world(global)
To the chronicle written by the monk Иоанном Зонарасом. Since then зажигательные of a glass Архимеда
Strongly have come in a treasury of engineering myths of Europe.

Астерикс and Обеликс carried trousers on a wide belt(zone).
Who does not know the heroes of television films both комиксов - Астерикса and Обеликса? They
Support trousers широченными by belts(zones). Historically it is incorrect: trousers on
Trunk ancient галла kept not with the help of a belt(zone), and with the help of braces.

Астерикс and Обеликс braided a hair in косинки.
During Roman gain Галлии, to which concern known комиксы about
Астерикса, галлы moistened the hair by something like геля from impregnated известью of water,
That they looked even more white and greasy. A hair they combed back, but
Any косичек thus not сплетали.

Never existed of continent or island under the name Атлантида. Legend about
Атлантиде - pure(clean) invention of the Greek philosopher Платона, which in the work "Критий"
Has described the mighty state under a name Атлантида till other party from Геркулесовых
Pillars (i.e. through the Gibraltar strait). The state it, on Платону, is in the middle
It is much more ocean, on than the sizes, than all Northern Africa and Small Asia. The inhabitants
Атлантиды lived long and happily, but then have begun morally деградировать and have decided(solved)
To win all Earth. To punish атлантов for гордыню, Зевс наслал on continent
Earthquake, and it(he) has plunged together with all inhabitants and structures into abyss
The seas.
Though Платон repeatedly assures, that it - original history, which it(he) heard from
The large state figure Солона, and that - from Egyptian жрецов, actually
Event it, which the historian carries to 9 тысячелетию B.C., could not in any way
To take place. You see Платон повествует about the plans атлантов to subdue Athenes and Greece, and for 9
Thousand years up to Платона on a place of Athenes the populated steppe reached by nobody. And in more
Late times there are no hints on existence of the huge missed empire.
Certainly, the mankind has gone through for this time many accidents: earthquakes,
Floods, eruptions of volcanos, which have buried blossoming civilizations, for example on
Крите or island Санторин, but at all desire it is impossible to name these states
Huge empires, yes besides all these catastrophic events have happened not in
The Atlantic ocean.
And today it is possible to find the followers Платона, which specify that
Really some continents have plunged into abyss of waters and that on a place
The Atlantic ocean at one time was terrestrial твердь. But it was of 200 millions years back,
When Africa, Europe and America were incorporated in supercontinent, and any people on
To ground did not exist and in помине. Huge weights of a land be dispatched, having given a place
To the Atlantic ocean, 70 millions years back, i.e. behind 69 millions years before occurrence
The man.

Афродизиаки (from the Greek word meaning " giving love pleasure ") -
In other words, means raising draft to an opposite floor and потенцию,
Work only in our imagination.
In various cultures and in different times such properties attributed: to alcohol,
To oysters, bananas, белене, crude eggs, root женьшеня, кантаридину (included in structure
организма some жучков, in particular famous шпанской мушки), caviar, растертому in
Powder to a horn носорога, шалфею, сельдерею, asparagus, красавке, трюфелям, usual water,
йогимбину (extract from коры African йогимбового of a tree). As to some of

Them (bananas, root женьшеня, horn носорога), their prospective action is based on
Same prejudice, by virtue of which some sportsmen especially willingly use in
Food meat, and каннибалы - body поверженных of enemies: they think, that properties съеденного
Are transferred едоку. Other means, such, as alcohol, remove скованность and in some
Sense indirectly encourage a love inclination. Separate products of a feed(meal), for example,
The oysters, caviar and crude eggs, are known as favourite food of such heroes of sex, as columns
Казакова. Though, certainly, here any direct communication(connection) is not present - with the same success it was possible
To assert(approve), that to become the chancellor of Germany, it is necessary to use in food рубленый
Stomach on - пфальцски - favourite dish Гельмута Коля. At last, extract йогимбового
Tree and шпанской мушки can have the certain influence on success love
The enterprises, as they promote local expansion кровеносных of vessels.
However they, is especial шпанская мушка, are poisonous, are painful(unhealthy) and can become dangerous because of
Inflammations мочевыводящих of ways, so натужная the pleasure from love утех will not bring
Original pleasure also can even appear last love adventure in it
бренном the world.

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