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For preparation tasty home колбасок it is required to us.
· Кишки pork.
· Meat (pork), will approach such, as you take for гуляша. What and жирок was present.
· Groats гречневая.
· a Garlic.
· an Onions(bow) репчатый.
· of Seasoning, those which you take for meat.
So, we shall begin.
Meat we cut fine кубикам (as for salad Оливье) .Что to cut
It was more convenient, the meat should be little bit frozen. It then
Will be cut well. We put(fold) the cut meat in deep мисочку.
Further finely we cut an onions(bow) репчатый and too is added to the cut meat.
Then also finely we cut a garlic. Also is again added to our stuffing.
There is added варёную гречку. An approximately third or fourth part
From volume of meat.
Вс ё it we salt, we pepper and we add seasonings. Then carefully we mix. On
Now, as to preparation кишок. Our environment for колбасок.
Previously we wash out in подсоленной to water from two parties, but very much
Accurately, what to not tear them. Then even floor of hour we shall soak them in water
With small addition of vinegar.
Now we shall be начинять ours колбаски ready forcemeat.
That the process would become convenient, возьмём 1,5 liter plastic bottle.
Let's cut off from not ё, beginning from the top edge(territory) a piece of centimeters approximately 10-15.
At us the funnel will turn out. On горлышко from a bottle one end is put on
From кишок. The diameter just approaches. We tie strong нитками горлышко
With the end кишок. Вс ё. We throw our forcemeat in a funnel and accurately we push
In кишки There you think.
When with forcemeat finish, tie, нитками кишку forming колбаски.
Approximately just as связка of sausages. The size колбасок form.
Then cut кишку, in places обвязки. But take into account there it is necessary to tie two times.
Вс ё. The part колбасок is possible in морозильную the chamber. Вс ё you at once not съедите.
And the part can at once be fried. Pour oil more more and forward.
And do not overlook(forget), when will fry to pierce ours колбаски in several
Places by a toothpick. Differently they вздуются.
Like and вс ё. It actually is done(made) very quickly.
And taste, simply fantastic.
I am not forgiven. Protect itself. Before meetings.
Pleasant Appetite.
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