Dear Friends! Too many have forgotten that the world is ruled by money, and big big money rule the world. these words, yes would cast in gold, yes recall daily many romantics. Although what this I speculated.
So, recently took place in St. Petersburg. No, well not dares call this performance, economic forum. Well, no more in me the civil wisdom that allows gathering of potential persons involved in criminal cases, to call the Economic Forum. But I'm growing, I'm working on, and maybe in the future ...
Well aware of the fact that moral satisfaction from participating in this gathering, no go, no comparison so immoral satisfaction you feel from the improper spending. And if you realize that is involved in a large, common cause to extricate the country from ... Well, proctologists will understand me and the others will say that it is to withdraw the country from a deep crisis that it herded capitalists and imperialists.
Gathered the cream of society. Well, how else. Agenda for the serious. Not to come out of the question. Yes and how not to come, the enemies will begin to immediately nominate version konspirologičeskie. Why not come and Tambov where Astrakhan kid, something not seen Voronezh. And guys need it?! Before, it was both. Come, communicate with colleagues, questions porešaût. That still left inexpediently used that tomorrow can be deferred, and that today, be sure to discuss, because time is money. Express support for the leader, will mark the work, the shoals in order not to have thought that seek more. Interviews give necessarily, because the House guys won't understand.
It's like normal people. They, it seems, go on vacation with the sole purpose of. No, not relax and health improve, and for photo shoots, which would then lay out a photo report in social networks. No photos, then rest failed. And guys. The mandatory program must be an interview, even local television. This is important.
Without batting an eyelid, tell the electorate that still remained to be done in order to improve his uneasy life. And the electorate, which has osilivaet to view this show, sincerely believe. These will make these. These, if you will, and not as familiar with the budgets. Talented managers, they are talented in everything.
This time, everything was wrong. Rather differently from the word altogether. Even before the opening of the meeting, human rumor reported that the ride should be. Even with the temperature, though with a toothache, though with hemorrhoids. In General, the turnout is obligatory, for gathering is not simple, and hard-won.
Hard, our entire life properly. This is only a trifle naïve people pockets tyrât. And what?! Stole, prison, freedom, stole, prison, freedom ... A vicious circle is obtained. No, you can break out of it, but to do this requires brains and talent. These professionals do not work. They are increasingly in the quiet classrooms Duma his thinking. Why? Yes because, serious, big money, they don't like the hassles and excessive noise.
And everything went, in General, good. Money accustomed. Contacts with foreign counterparts, as they are now said to have been mutually beneficial, but ... Previously, would say that a demon misled by greed or sgubila, but this does not become easier. And it was, that facility on Ukrainian Glade. Here, light wedge it in the sea. That's what, polian is no more, what would continue to work productively? It is understandable that Donetsk guy promised to help. It is clear that the topic promises to be very promising, but ...
Just need to know who to listen to. No, wrong caps in his youth, he can and nicely pressed, but the caps, and in his youth. It is clear that sums up. But as beautifully spoken! Type, keep all, tight grip. Type, they without me and not go into the toilet. But it turned out that not mittens erinaceidae and Hare. Yes and go to the toilet without permission.
Yes, Glade proved divided and let outsiders and colleagues to craft a nobody with bread and salt is not waited. Not by notions of it. Yes and pred″âvu foreign colleagues have thrown. Type, Sha, stop. And when, part presented last Glade ago took, all about started. Had guys with machine guns and tanks to call, because float smoothly transformed into bloody disassembly.
Further more. Foreign colleagues were offended. Type, we can all, we calculate what scary educated generation and you don't think live not on concepts. Otherwise, all you skommunizdennoe out, they themselves take. What?! Not on concepts? Themselves look, fuckers scoops.
And now how to live? Worked, worked. And now that everything, donate back-breaking labour acquired foreign Uncle? No, the Ukrainian Glade agreed, its all the same guys. Benny true law became swing, but his gangsters calmed, he now is silent and with all agree ... Although are to blame, because said boss, do not store money these instead, bring them under cugunder and begin ingest dust. The chef is smart, knows what to say. But on the other hand, who offered to press Ukrainian Glade? Who said that the gangsters don't we decree? Who is behind everything and everyone? Here's what ...
No, well, it certainly accountant Alex correctly made. Type all almost normal, but the chef is desirable for a new select, and with by efforts and new plan to continue its work, and with the same boys. Famously of course bent, as Professor. Smart, what you say here.
Not all even the essence realized but pred″âvu catch correctly. Type your jamb, you and respond. Let's get a new chef will choose to start with, then we'll see. Although you guys and questioned. The chef, he's sly, can he Lëšikom agreed podlânke. Maybe wants to see who falter and idea will support ...
And if all Lëšik with gangsters agreed. They play well for a long time, because his friends. But the chef he didn't spill water. At one time the chef even lived with him on his arrival in the capital. Lëšik, he is not only clever and cunning he is still very much. Maybe he decided to chef nicely to remove ...
Who to listen to, who to ask for Council. Not even an hour, not on the horse game, and write. No, all scream that chefs all won, but would like to hear the views of the more reputable people. Von Singh's electrician, zabodaj his mosquito, itself then was silent, type my hut, I'm not in deeds. And surely awake and sees how the chef would push back. And the chef, also good as haven't heard that he Lëšik said. If they conspired, understandably, is silent so as not to scare. And if not conspired. And if frightened chefs that gangsters ...
No, even scary to think about. Of course the plane won't fall, denies truck at doesn't arrive, cardiac ... Gangsters, they're what they want to do by law. They say the Tribunal from the Dutch, it's their idea. Type shodnâk ours, cowboy, decided and go Ka you guy to the Dutch, and there ... And it's not agree now with these foreign čistoplûâmi. No, I agree, of course, but then the boss will have to give them everything and leave towns. And it is not fact that will go away. So that the word honest. The word because you can give, and then take it back. Yes and leave if the chef, and then the guys what to do ...
Before these showdowns, all engaged in the actual transition. Well, the type of credible transition country this proce ..., developed. The main thing that was? Correctly, somewhere learn tools. And because mastered! Moreover, the main chips was where and how much to master. The rest, all the little things. Priorities were, as in humans, their zabodaj mosquito. And what u.s. priorities. Usual, correct. If much to learn, no matter where, even at the North Pole. If a little, then chip in that place must be authoritative, and not some sort of Tmutarakan. And lived ...
Even the smartest, and the ones realize that something must be done. But what? Even the most stupid understand that need to muzzle someone is to beat. But to whom? Some say that all this entanglement, the handiwork of the Cowboys, and it is time to beat may and kicking. Others say that we are to blame, and enemies must be sought among their, and them that and beat. And that, they say, correctly and both these. That's right, everything is logical. But there is no correct answer, that's what worries guys ...
Vaughn, Gera banker made. Incomprehensible truth that he wanted to say, said mudrëno, but the main idea understood even by those who have little money left. Type store pooled will be there, the gangsters. Type, so reliable. As it turns out, the chef warned there's not a store, but this is kind of like chef against goes. Or, they are all at the same time. His will remain, and the rest of the guys let the dust swallow ...
Then what, boss fell? The Cowboys clearly said, as long as we, under the chef, no parts will not. And who would blame? This that Lee, who eggs abroad bought? It's not inconceivable of course for the country bought. No, if you make a list of guys and then remove all bzdunov and rats, it is theoretically possible to understand who to bet. Well, and who will be list? To compile itself, the boss will, and then ... Won, T take, still easily got away. Helicopter, documents abroad. Oh, there was no need to slack, let be continued to sew slippers.
As well, once the slack gave then a second time and away we go ... On shodnâke, the chef even gangsters bream cena. Type this before Ukrainian boys were bespredel′ŝikami. But now, when sorted out all over, then realized that they were wrong, the banks poputali. They are now not bespredel′ŝiki, and our friends. In vain he was watering them immediately, and offered himself, and now ... Confusion around the country went, has weakened his hand. And this, still fit for Lëšika accountant. Type Igoryok, Assistant working at Dimona. Said that Lëšik everything correctly said that on the ground looking quite the hands altogether, learn everything by yourself, and the other guys work. This is what we have, and I along with them.
It became clear that nothing is clear. Everything seems to agree that there was a need for stability in the State. Well, type continue to absorb the money, security, Office, cottage, kuršaveli there are different ... And rightly so. This is important. This is logical. Agree then all but there are especially sighthounds. Im a little stability, they want more. They wanted at one table with the Cowboys sit and dress beautifully. Idiots. But as they say about it, if the authority have a boss, and he trusts them.
No, we certainly respect the Cowboys, really respect. We even believe that they soon will vanish as a nightmare. Not only believe, but we are waiting for this moment with great impatience. Not only guys waiting, but ordinary men, having opened his mouth. And after the boss, that's quite a bit left to wait, so generally only about this and think, but ...
Still have to wait. Crisis, the sanctions. And there, or go to the Dutch chef, or Cowboys bending. Or will come a new chef and everything will start to absorb the Meadow, or what remains of it. See will bring results, but just in case money should be placed. Where? No guys, let everyone escapes as may, and the chef accidentally finds out, and ...
That's all that I wanted to say.
The author would appreciate comments.
Author Gorg July 2015 year