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Political Correctness. Tolerance. Indifference or the last refuge of idiots and scoundrels.Part one.

How it all began.

Dear Friends! How can you pass up this theme?! No, of course. It was not even a topic, and topics that are worthy of serious study. Yours truly has never been a researcher, but as anyone living on the planet surely considers himself an expert in all matters.

Ask me to speak on the topic of extermination, for instance the Siberian flying Jerboa-mozgoklûev, I can assure you that I will write, and don't miss a single fact of their very interesting life, and the theme will be fully revealed. Why I ërničaû and ironiziruû? Yes it is very simple. It is impossible to fully serious talk on the theme, but claimed that many do great specialists and researchers.

So, what is an omniscient Wikipedia tells us about this, of course, very important in the lives of ordinary people, the notion of political correctness. After all, the ordinary people, they do not think their lives without compliance with all written and unwritten rules of this most terrible in its mysteriousness of the brilliant political correctness.

Political correctness (also political correctness; from a politically correct "the established rules") is the practice of direct or indirect prohibitions on the use of words and expressions that are considered offensive to certain social groups, allocated on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc., the term learned Russian from English in the 1990 's and has gained real use very, very different from the original value.

Too smart or to be entirely accurate, nonsensical written for the average person? Correctly. On the calculation. All pretend to understand the full meaning of the course written, spot, fool, who says that it is not clear in these clever words. And if you think about it. And if you include the gray matter. And if you move away from the stereotypes. And if you go to your favourite dishes, smoke and drink a cup of coffee. So, if you take all, or almost all, I recommended actions, everything falls into place.

Political Correctness. This is a common human weakness and cunning. The fear that you nastučat on the head, and not only. But since the man is a reasonable hitër and as slippery, it's no good to admit that he's afraid. Here he has come up with an excuse. It turns out you cannot inflict moral, let alone the physical suffering of those who certainly deserves it. And besides, as is usually the case, covering your elemental fear, these idiots and sly will defend its position to the last drop of blood, of course someone else 's.

But one of political correctness, that would confuse normal people was not enough. And it was invented by another concept, designed to make the shot to the head by people who just want to live and work normally. Tolerance. That's what was missing in all of mankind during its development. Of course, again look what tells us this all knowing Wikipedia.

Tolerance. (from LAT. tolerantia — patience) is a sociological term referring to tolerance of a different ideology, lifestyle, behaviour and customs. Tolerance is not tantamount to indifference. It also means adopting a different ideology or way of life, it is to present to others the right to live in accordance with their own worldview.

Tolerance means respect, acceptance and appreciation of other cultures, ways of expression and manifestation of human individuality. Under tolerance does not imply concession, condescension or indulgence. Tolerance does not mean tolerance for social injustice, the renunciation of his beliefs or the assignment of other beliefs, as well as imposing their beliefs on others.

Here's how! Better and not sformulirueš′. Can you imagine what a freedom for all kinds of scientific and scientific interpretations and explanations. For example, do not share your intimate you in its denseness views, opinions, behaviors, beliefs, and actions of others, particularly civilized and intelligent people. This is your problem. Must endure and not vâkat′.

But otherwise, Yes, they are the defenders of all and sundry, can accuse you in peŝernosti and even disrupt your physical space, and in special cases even send to heaven, apparently for re-education. You can certainly ask. What is the difference between a deception and tolerance? Good question, which rips off all the sheets with these so-called, blende,,.

Everything is very simple. Even more say. Everything to the genius just trying to drive normal people in a public stall. So much so that normal people oblenilis′ on the most, and tomatoes. When normal people can't speak and express their opinion, it is of course the highest expression of political correctness. And here is another, particularly prosveŝënnomu and naglomu an individual you can, unlike you, then this is of course nothing but as tolerance. As the saying goes, experience the difference, dear Lord-comrades.

After a small entry, just look at how this process started his winning streak on the planet. Again, everything is very easy, as all brilliant. At all times there were people who really did not like and do not like to work. They found work, occupation a shameful and unworthy of a very loved and very educated.

As finely wake up early in the morning and build forge, Cook, bake, sew, wash, sow ...And who then will address this very cave cattle? Correctly. But us favorite simply. And so, once of fate itself gives a chance to be the protector of all humiliated and cancellation all or nearly all the idlers marched in. .. That's right, they moved into politics.

Started very rough activity. So violent, that those who are adequately experienced in this very policy began to tire of everything new and numerous ideas and suggestions coming from these bums. And how to get rid of them? Correctly. Move to improve so as not to interfere with normal work. That's dodvigalis′ in his indolence say geek that he is not a genius, and the usual idiot.

Then everything happened the way it should be done. No rights to going. This is a no, but still work. But the pull to yourself the same ingenious idiots, this is of course the necessary forward-looking process. The more idiots come in politics, the more they began to climb to where by and large do not climb.

It was the little that they don't work, but just enjoy all the benefits of civilization. Now they have become the first timid and then all more aggressively to impose normal people as they build, forge, Cook, bake, sew, wash, sow ...But this seemed to them a little. Now they have to impose their vision, in terms of how to wake up in the morning before you go to work, and most interestingly, who wake up in the morning.

Lord George Mead and Herbert Blumer, of course, the great scientists, but ...Teacher and student in its scientific activities, the so zapudrili man-normal brains that permanently shifted the direction of development of human relations from the high road of the development of civilization. Here lived up to these researchers and ordinary people did not know that when a man and woman do not hit each other, this is referred to as gender tolerance.

If you are sitting in a restaurant, for example, Chinese and German, and the Chinese do not plûët the German in a dish, then ordinary people due to its denseness did not understand that this is nothing like racial and national tolerance. Or, for example, regular, normal person helped slabovidâŝemu people cross the road, then it is not a normal, human thing to do, while manifestations of tolerance towards a disabled person. That they take, the wild people, they don't understand the great thinkers.

Another example. Sitting on a bench in the Park, two women with their small children. The children play. Young mother gossiping. One MOM is Russian, and the second is an ethnic Tatar. So, it is called religious tolerance. Science, she is, she's everything you want, can explain.

Or suppose a person rides the subway, and next to it by chance, I happened to be talking to the oligarch. Well, maybe smoked grass, and it is the Metro brought difficult. Sit quietly. One phone its convoluted stared at the ceiling while the other looks. So, it's called political tolerance. Examples of this are many, but I was very surprised and worried about one thing. Well as without such, certainly important and necessary knowledge, mankind lived for so many years.

Apparently there were very bad. So bad that left a margin of safety in moral and material terms, that the army of idiots and parasites for quite a long time continues to enjoy all the benefits created by previous generations. What do become spectacular idiots here? Here we will talk about this in the second part, which will be called,life has become better, life has become merrier,,.

I would appreciate comments.

Do not say goodbye. Take care of yourself.

Author Gorg February 2014 year

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