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С 29.11.09

Our life


Why we do not love the MAGNATE.

But strictly, why богатых it is necessary to love. They after all not red maiden. This is an invalid production

the question. Consider that question if put that it is necessary on-other. As follows so. Why beside us do not respect

богатых, successful people. The Question not so forgive;pardon, what seems. On surfaces lies the simplest

the answer. Envy. Agree. But this not full answer. Vernee the simplest.

The Perch little in history. In timeses of the realignment me on eye попалась the newspaper. Regrettably

not litter of the name. So here is on whole u-turn of the newspaper was a list our oligarch. And near by

the list was enumerated related relationship, the last places of the work. Turned out to be that simple

mortal in this list no. All, whose that relatives or before that what become oligarch they

occupied very high job titles. But person of the crime in this no. As it is spoken, who on that learned;learnt.

All it is correct. But when I слышу word about that that people it is necessary to give not money, but fishing rod for gaining

the money, I смеюсь. No need to be cunning. Recall, as us give this most fishing rod in the manner of ваучеров. Say

that condition alike. No dear. One have put with this fishing rod near by puddle, in which

except leeches to caught nothing not to shine. But other sowed;sown around водоема, in which or was fish, or

there was known that there will soon start the мальков. Well yes Hell with them. Have Been able so have been able. But that further.

Further on logic of the things to would be necessary develop. But why. For neck does not drip. live And rejoice.

They so and live. I not even touch such subjects that honestly to make the capital impossible. Our

Bogatye have got him(it) or on inheritance or on these money blood. But that we read. It Turns out to be

all of these reached all its wealth by backbreaking labour. Spared on all. Even on school

the morning meal. I this reminds to situations, when listen the baizes former soldier. Particularly on drunk

the small bench. After all if their all listen then in our armies except special troopses other sort

the troopses, simply no. All served in steep special troops. Whence beside us so much special

the subdivisions this, probably, military secret. So and with oligarch. Who nor will listen. All began

with shoeshine on street, or with trade on вещевом market. Azh tear is piled up. They time already

ордена give. The most interesting that give. Do Not be going to to consider the someone else money. Not so well-mannered.But

See that occurs. Take average oligarch. All there is. Beside it even thoughts does not appear,

that money it is necessary to spend too with wit that you respected. Though in situation of black envy this

do practically impossible. The Clever oligarches try not to flaunt their own wasting. Foolish

on the contrary in every way emphasize its special status. For one evening to throw on champaign and

the девочек become round amount. And for this their it is necessary to love. We and love, but person by love. Say that not

all such. Not all. But majority. But one, really wants although that- that do useful distrusts. After all the thought will appear beside завистников. If he so much money spends on good deals, that

how much then money beside it.

Beside us after all as. There is blanching envy. But there is blackenning. Blanching this when you do that and beside you for instance

ditto, there was all. Blackenning this when you do all that beside the other nothing be not. So uzh formed.

Speak beside богатых no confidence in завтрашнем day. Here is they and live one daytime. It is Correct.

The Rules of the play all time are changed. But what is a rules of the play. This law. So here is abudance of the laws,

it is compensated their not performance. There is output. Their two. The First this deprive and divide. We him(it) already

passed. Yes much want to select robbed. But further. Who divide will. No. As nor great

the temptation, this dead end. The Second way сложнее. Nothing not to do. The Life itself will place all on its places.

Spend the money on champaign and девочек. Wasting on health. Will First or last lose all. Or

as a result intrigues such, as you, or else that нибудь will happen.

The Good deals it is necessary to do quietly and invisibly. When I wrote article about Sort, that concerned subject

about purity shelters. But question much deeper. After all elite ditto lumpy. Additionally she sufficient

locked. Receivership is there greeted. This well. But sort and perfect it is necessary. Otherwise

occurs the degeneration.

The Other moment. We love, speak that all and everywhere thieve. On large and on small. But say,

if will be a possibility, who from us shall stand firm from temptation. So that.

On greater count people are divided on one, does. Although that- that. The Other critics on lifes. They all

bad. Itself although that- that do him laziness. Easier with clever type to speak of fate fatherland. Third

want, but they do not give nothing do. This life. Such, what there is. But it is impossible all time only to take for

itself. It is Necessary and return. Otherwise possible simply лопнуть.

Here is and all. Can, shall later write about this more so in detail.
Author Alexander D.

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