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С 29.11.09

Our life


,,Sort, or Nature does not repose,,

Write the article forced meeting with buddy. Vernee not meeting itself, but our talk with him. Opuschu details of the talk, shall say about main. The Buddy got acquainted with girl. On my question - As she?  The Buddy has answered - Porodistaya!

Here is this word me and has grapped.

Afterwards I have recalled, as in film, show, book resorts, for instance son to

the pope(pa) with ma and reports that he marries the простолюдинке. Pope(pa) and ma earl

in tenth generation. The Ma falls without feeling. The Pope(pa) graps for heart. In house

the fuss. All run, make a fuss. The Tragedy!!!! The Nightmare!!!

On the part of funny. But if look IZNUTRI.

That so испугало the parents. And the main. Why?

Let's to look. At first thought, the parents lagged behind from life, heart will not order and etc. Yes, where - that this and so. But .. Only reason that girl, from

the undermost class has frightened so Pope(pa) and Ma. Think, no. And that is why.

Feed one more member to Families, probably, they will be able. Bad manners beside

the brides? The Money beside column with графиней must be enough that to teach the daughter-in-law it is correct itself to lead. Seamingly, make the splendid wedding, live and rejoice. Not here that was. In house hurly-burly. The Question. Why?

But that is why. One this hide, other search for ,,baby,, reasons. But main reason one. THE PURITY SHELTERS.

They come from that that blood must be clean. Not one generation column

removed this SORT. But now take and the whole многовековой labour перечеркнуть.

You after all will not crossbreed for instance, ,,german sheep dog,, and ,,rate,,.

No, possible. And posterity will in principle be viable. But  

Break the SORT. В than she is expressed. Think in all. Possible say,

but how much Great People, left, as it is spoken from folk. Much. But who will prove that to example ,,local,, to example baron, or earl, did not participate in

,,designing,, this person. But not to prove and inverse. Additionally be

and exceptions. In word ,,Sort,, beside them mortgaged all. And образованность, kindness,

physical health and etc.That we have presently. But here is that. Sorts in folk,

nearly did not remain. She opened. There is isle of the Sort, but also they in fast

future, will be an estimated move to histories.

Why parents having heard that their child has solved marries, but his(its) половинка another

the nationalities, behaved so, what the earl and countess behaved. Yes all on same

the reason. Presently already this little not so, and not everywhere.

Present the situation. Roddom. Give birth two women(woman)s. One countess in tenth

the generation, but the second алкоголичка, for instance in the one third generation. Has Written, and

smiled. As they can in one роддоме give birth. Possible, can. Specially

has taken this example. The Birth passed aptly. But . As in indian film детей

have mixed up.

The Children grow. Son алкоголички grows in family of the countesses, but son to countesses in family

the алкоголички. So what. But here is that. Probability that that son to countesses which

brings up алкоголичка, сопьQтся or he will go on tilted track, there is,

but she very small. Not review on condition of the lifes, and education.

Take now алкоголички, which bring up in family column. Think

he has all. The Legal successor, loved child and etc. But probability that that this

the child s on tilted very big. The Genes. And once again Genes.

Likes me such position of the things. No certainly .Не likes. It Is Got all

long ago, the Nature has solved. That there is determined widths corridor, but further nor nor.

But that to do.

You never were conceived, why one person throws butt on sidewalk, but

other will approach and throws in urn. No, not at folk. This can be the show. The Big wit no need for this. А without people. Without spectators. But all ditto SORT

But as интилигентность. Shall Say probably seditious thought, but her(it) beside us already

long ago no. All that presently there is, this people having simply higher education.

Some not even one. But this little another. This ,,town,, интилигенция.

The Big Grief, from Wit. Not all, about than write, I separate;share. But that there is that is to say.

After all изначально, we all miscellaneouses. For for many years, so much lost. That to restore генофонд, it is necessary was his(its) not to lose. Natural selection else nobody

has not cancealled. Serosti in lifes she always robust and подлее of the Sort.

That to do? Simply live. As far as possible live on shame and on heart. It is Difficult?

Much. But that to do. To whom presently easy.

Has Written, but on shower became wistful. Big request if You have not understood about than I

wrote, do not accuse of fascism, racism and etc. assure You wrote not about this.

Do Not bid farewell. Beregite itself.

Author Alexander D.

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