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С 29.11.09

Not fact...

Has Written the article about that that it is necessary to have its opinion.As example has taken the picture K.MALEVICHA ,,Black Square,,.Very dear me person anna dov have written коментарий.

All we heard, but some of us and saw this paradoxical work Kazimira Malevicha.
Paradoxical she that that she is considered гениальным by product in spite of the fact that on canvas изображена simple geometric figure. So in than deal? Really this grandiose playoff of the great artist, наляпавшего frank rubbish and exposed on display in рассчQте on that spectators, be afraid be shown incompetent, will be significant to do the type that have understood the great задумку of the Master?

The Black square. Malevich.

Itself Malevich, when has finished the picture, on which he worked several months, spoke that can not neither there is, nor sleep. And itself does not understand, what is a has done.

I too occupied the phenomenon of this picture. I was lucky to see her(it) in Moscow
It Is Thought that quest of importances of the form, no more than gamble  Though this searching for - very interesting occupation. Possible, one of the valuable quality of this picture, - that she has forced so much people to stir the brain.
Well but if seriously, itself Malevich has said about her all that possible was say. He really has not understood that he such has done  Hope that I do not закидают the тапками if I shall name this phenomena an трансцендентальным. The Sense this tricky word forgive;pardon before ugliness. In this condition пребываем we all on many once for day. For instance, for meat loaf of the car, when we control him on automaton. But artist will die in this condition to create. Creating, he for time falls out of reality, disappears the sensation of time   You express something that it is impossible express in word. Therefore Malevich and speaks that does not know that he such created.
  He created this picture, being in this condition, which comparable to mystic переживанмем. That he has sent her?
Get up opposite this pictures and see  Possible, you understand all without words. Not even understand, but outlive
  This can be comparable to sensation from music. Ponablyudayte for musician  In what condition they play? But most гениальным of them manage to send the listener a particle its conditions. I zh nobody not открою America if shall say that skill of the artist, either as musician, consists not only in виртуозном possession by technology, but also in skill to send here is this most, unspeakable  The Example this in graphic arts - a sea.
  The Phenomenon exactly this pictures - in that it трансцендентальное condition is sent by means of one the most simplest geometric figure. This that and catches the imagination  Such idle time, primitiv scene, but what bright, deep sensations!

Komentariy much
good,but there is small inexactness.
It Happens to to write the continuation of the Article.

   I either as author коментария was lucky to see the picture K.MALEVICHA.But believe under all its respect to the whole beautiful can not name her(its) masterpiece.Well can not and all.Possible say,well does not можешь, not name;entitle.What problems.There is much people which mad about this masterpiece Malevicha.
  So here is sense of my article was in that that big part of these people in shower do not consider the picture by masterpiece.
They simply come short boldness in this acknowledge.The Reasons plenty of.About them I in detail stopped in article.
But caught,I after all took the situation,when to picture approaches the person,and he does not be aware of fate K.MALEVICHA,his(its) other picture.I.e. подошQл and looks that is drawn black square.
   That he can say? It is Correct.I ditto so shall be able. And will be a rights. On he does not act the magic of the name Malevicha and all that with this name is bound.
   Allow,all rest from cunning.Each person approaching to picture,and knowing that this K.MALEVICH begins домысливать for artist all images on which is enough his(its) интелекта.And than образованее of the person,that he seems he deeper gets into ,,замысел,, artist.Here is where dog зарыта.
  But does not can be such.The Masterpiece he and in Africa masterpiece.Genialinosti product does not depend on интелекта valuing his(its) people.
In any area исскуства.Simply person who to example listened the music SHostakovicha in блокадном Leningrad before that,what go on leading,will value her(its) clever word could not.But he her(its) listened, she his(its) penetrated before nervious completions.The Reason one.This music masterpiece.And he her(its) valued on its.Possible find and the other examples.
  But we have a square.Let black.Not more.
Agree only in one.Probably this was really fun of the artist.We shall Present that Malevich пошутил,but we observe the foolishness human.
Nepomnyu exactly,but long ago read the mark,as one very known musician,under full аншлаге in common-room,instead of expected concerto,has made the spectator a hour silences.
And that you think.After he has got up and bowed the spectator,he has made the ovation.
The Critics wrote about new reading the music which he was to play.
The Foolishness unmeasured.
   But now present if so cruelly пошутил young musician.So that.
After all, the people go to look the picture Malevicha,beforehand adjusted that go to look the masterpiece.
The Plus magic name K.MALEVICHA.
Wanted finish that that no need big мужесства соглашатся with majority,when it not right.
  Where more courage is required say the truth,or even in одиночесстве defend its opinion.
Beregite itself.See you later.

Author Alexander D.

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