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С 29.11.09

Not fact...

Specify immediately, I not искусствовед. And picture this has taken for example. But speak

     should like to, here is about than.

As often the principle стадности довлеет in our lifes. We peacefully and

    without complaining we comply with obtruded us stereotype. After all only

    think, must be beside any , I emphasize, normal person

   its own opinion. Possible object, having said that for this it is necessary to understand

   in subject. Agree. It is Necessary. But allow, really that enormous amount

   people which this picture adore on folk ( taken for example )

   complitly one искусствоведы. Think, no. One on the strength of different reasons, she

   likes. But other do the type that they in delight.

The Question. Why? The Reasons several. First reason, which rests upon

  the surfaces in that that they are afraid to have a reputation for the ignoramus. That people will say,

  he does not adore such world masterpiece. The Disgrace.

The Reason second. On the strength of small knowledges, the person itself can not, value

  the masterpiece. And then he relies on on someone else opinion.

But main reason, on my glance, this cowardice. The Persons simply is afraid.

 Us accustomed that can not be bad if all likes, all adore.

Can. Else as can.

Any исскуствовед, can me much beautifully and it is correct will explain, why

  this picture masterpiece. But none of them, внятно will not be able to say that on

  she is expressed. The Black square. But further that.

I understand so. The Masterpiece this single творенье. So? So. But allow,

  it is got , any can take and do exactly such masterpiece. Will Say- No.

    Why? I take only visual forming pictures. All will, as

  beside Malevicha. Will Say- You not Malevich. But why him possible, but us no?

Possible long reason about that high that picture carries when viewing,

  but why his(its) picture carries, but the other does not carry. The Magic of the name?

Why nobody does not assume, Malevich simply пошутил. There is such notion,

  as human foolishness. Can he wanted to look, insofar her(its) much.

Simply try be discharged from the whole. Vzglyanite трезво. We offer

  adore the square, which artist has painted the black paint.

But now most main. Much find people, which will say publicly,

  that picture does not like. Think that no. Particularly this concerns public

  the people. And so all on circle.

The Other example. Group from ten persons, for instance, or schoolchildren on change

  that- that discusses. All like agree. Though indeed, think on-other.

    Often find the person, who will say that beside it other standpoint.

Think that no.

And here is so вырастают the people, which easy manipulate. But the most interesting,

  that we about this are not conceived. The Examples. Please. Here is one, which lies

  on surfaces.

Our bandstand. Will Look everywhere Star. Their even more, than on the sky. One star.

  Whence? Who has solved that they Star. They themselves have solved. They Are Boilled in own juice and

  praise each other. But if person will say that what нибудь actor not star.

     His(its) is accused of that that he does not understand in art. The Star there is, not dispute. But them

  possible пересчитать on finger of one hand. As this check? Easy.

Let's take, what нибудь actor. Well for instance Iosifa Kobzona. And take

  for instance any Star. For instance ,,Ivanova,,. Hereinafter take any small city

or village, where live the usual people. No advertisments starting-up. Nor

  the posters. Nothing. Simply collect the people in House of the Culture. No high-priced

  the equipments. Only scene, mike. The Concerto to divide into two parts. Yes, and

  the main, not to speak to people that to he have arrived Iosif Kobzon and ,,Ivanov,,.

     But simply say that to him from nearby city have arrived the actors to philharmonics.

  And let sing. You have already presented the result? But he очевиден. Kobzon will make drunk all that

  possible. But that ,,Ivanov,,? Yes nothing. Distrust that he will be able to sing.

Or take the films known stage manager. That, beside them each film masterpiece?

  Think that no. But after all as all adore. Do same experiment with

  the film leading light. Do Not write in subtitle of the author. Say that young beginner

  the stage manager from глубинки and give to look the specialist. So much mistakes will find.

And will advise ,,young,, stage manager to go back to itself in глубинку.

  But take the film ,,Fly the crane,, for instance. Change the name. Take away the subtitles.

     Well after all does not уйдут from common-room. Will look.

As from this phenomenas to dispose. The Unambiguous answer, think, no. Can simply

   try to be honored. Can.
Author Alexander D.

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