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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman

Has Recently written article ,,Can be friendship between Man and

The Woman,,. There were commentary. Who- that complied with my opinion,

Who- that no.

But afterwards friends have asked to write article on on my glance

very interesting subject. When beside two loving heart there is family,

the children. I.e. love each other, but both not free. The Problem else that.

So was born this article.

All Loving is denoted.

The Ithaca that we have. Two loving heart, which by force of circumstances, can not be together. For beginning we shall consider, as

such could occur. The Reasons can be a miscellaneouses. Beside who early

the marriage, when we seem that this for ever. When we seem that we

we choose heart, but indeed in most cases this simply

the play hormone, which we mask under feeling. Can be the marriage on calculation, with ghostly hope that слюбится, gets used to. No, does not слюбится, does not get used to

.А when all this realizes, that turns out to be plenty of time fall on deaf ears. Well yes well reasons can be plenty of. Beside each its. The Main what live in such situations.

If this occurs at mature age, when person can answer

for their own word and action, that answer unambiguous. It Is Divorced. It Is Divorced and

live the remainder to lifes with loved persons. Problems will, but if them

преодолеть two together, that afterwards nothing not terribly. But this only in that

the event if exists really Love. But if there is doubts,

then. А then does not hurry. Peacefully understand for itself. It is Necessary this all you?

This on the part of seems that all simply. Some видится in them even

the certain resemblance romantics. But this glance on the part of. But inwardly fire

the passions, nerves, tear and  

After all that occurs. Live with one person, but love other.

But on the strength of education, tradition and many other factor to vicinity no.

There is vicinity with unloved and ,,friendship,, with loved.In situation. That

Is going on beside both влюбленных in shower, one God known. But as building

itself to lead. After all free or instinctively begin to compare legal

the half with loved persons. And is found much factors showing that beside legal half much ,,defect,,. А

the reason one. When love, see only value. This situation

I in detail described in its article about Moral Treason. Recommend to honour. But while want to stop here is on than. Many will not add this

big importance, but sting. I about Sex. Yes all about him.

Present you love, each other, but vicinity no. And than long her(it)

no that томительнее waiting. In its imagination you draw such

the scene to first vicinity that azh spirit seizes. Your legal half

simply reposes. But now question. You certain that you not to defraud in their own waiting. That your vicinity will such, what you her(its) presented. Well if so. Life experience shows that

зачастую this not so. And deal not in partner though can and in him. Main

the reason can be in psychologies and physiologies. Each event, its time. Simply, the people burn out. Or both, or who that one. And approaches

the big disillusionment. Cynics begin to ask itself, and cost

wait so much time. The People интилигентные are dysappointed intrinsically. The most interesting that all this usually occurs as it were

between lines. Memory about romantic image does not give possibility

say about true reason of the disillusionment. If is enough wit and

the wisdoms to offer the friendly relations, that well. But usually

the былого of the combustion already does not occur. But if no. Then ash, sedation

one and torments other. Which will not understand why. And begins

the digging in itself. Appear the complexes. In the first place this concerns

the people burdened by intellect. They on its nature people after all

conscientious. They and in Sex harder. Why? Yes therefore that him

it is enough to say what нибудь filth, before that what go to bed,

and all he already unhinges. But there and before импотенции not far. This

apropos much love to use the wife-стервы. But afterwards accuse husband

in insolvency as men. You will Say as? Yes simply. Quarrel

before сном, the reason any. Afterwards lie, forgive for roughness, draw apart the legs and lie. And all its type to show that you this not it is necessary.

possible lying down television set to look. Show me highbrow, which will be able to do its duty. In this plan well if person not

the burdened intellect. He strictly don't care wants his(its) wife or

no. The Main that he wants. This from that people which трахают all that

it moves. On the one hand this well, but with other be and problems.

But this subject for separate article. But while you will return to

влюбленным. Believe if this period was powerfully delayed, that nothing

good, not will. After approximately five years such любви on distance

it is necessary or tear relations, or really be friends, rather then

concern with the masochism. Why? Yes since present love not

will allow so much time to love on distance. She will simply come out of

the coast. But unless came out of coast, then are friends. Believe life, she

nearly always places all on its places.

And in conclusion. The Life one. And advisable her(its) live with Loved Persons.

Do Not bid farewell. Before meeting. Beregite itself.

Author Alexander D.

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