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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman


Can be friendship between Man and Woman. The Thoughts on paper.

Long was going to to touch this subjects, but as that was not got. That time no. That mood

does not correspond to. How much possible be going to. And here is gave birth the small article.

Shall Say immediately, does not can be, as a rule. But in any rule be and exceptions. So here is, as

the exception to the rule, such friendship can be. Shall Say more .Лучший friend for women(woman), this Man.

And the best friend for men, that Woman. This is because if beside women(woman) girlfriend best friend, that

this amounting to has beside person, who can first or last painfully knock. Not always this

so, but зачастую, so and occurs.

The Ithaca. First we shall consider, why does not can be such Friendships. Present that there is two families and

exists the cross friendship. The Problems much. Even though you really are friends, and not more, that

try this explain its second half. Well, is made so person that he does not tolerate to competitions.

If you road second половинка, that as you will stake out непроизвольной by her(its) jealousy. That

you choose. And as you present such friendship. Family must stand on first place, but you

it happens to to spare time for friend. But as you other variant. There is family, and who that has a friend

the opposite flap, yes if else and not burdened tie a marriage. Are they Simply conceived if beside your

the husband best friend, this unwed woman. Or beside your wife, best friend, unmarried man.

As you moral torture, wait, when their friendly relations outgrow in something greater. But can

and do not outgrow. But if as far back as family not okay, that you will constantly hear from mouths its

the second half, thoughts on cause as it is necessary to live, heard from its friend. Think your wife

will not in delight if husband is friends with unmarried woman even though she and very good

the persons. After all she free or will instinctively be in course all your secret. Can better does not cost(stand)

risk. After all this matter of time, when these relations outgrow in something greater. Much often

such relations use, as possibility to have a brief cry in vest. I for instance not much like

the prospect, when my second half will pour out at difficult moment shower best friend, man.

Yes and woman, hardly likes if her(its) husband will consult on problem-solving questions your

the private life, with the other-woman. Not yet known that he will advise. After all in forehead nobody does not advise

the bad things. All we very clever that to act gradually. On the contrary protecting other half,

that thought about that that she bad, came to mind most.

The Reefs plenty of. But, as I spoke, be and exceptions to the rule. The Friendship possible.

But consider only in that event, when for instance woman does not see most main in friend. The Man.

Same, when man is friends with woman, not seen Woman in her. Such can be. But much seldom.

Yes and where warranty. Today does not see, but will tomorrow take and will see. Dangerously this for marriage.

I conciously analyse the events, with standpoint of safety of the marriage. All rest from cunning.

The Variant much. The Woman has a friend man, держа him(it) on short leash. If he not to be married,

that all his(its) new familiar will be bad. All this certainly will beautifully is presented. She his(its) keeps

about spare. On any event. Gives him small hope that he has a chance. А under first

the breach to distances, shot. We friends. The Risk-free tactics. And the main all within the framework of rules.

Only on the part of little ugly .Получается, you spur other. I гляну that there I shine

good in lifes. But if failure then beside there is friend in spare. Same concerns and mans.

The Other event, when both not free, and have to play in friendship. This little other .Но early

or late, all this ends. Who must do the first step. Think that man. But then

the possible accusations of the type, as you could. We friends. And etc. Else and come to apologize.

Predvizhu objections. But I take for example to normal situations. The Clinical events I do not take.

Thence think that best variant to have, not friend, for instance man, but buddy. So will be an вернее.

But now example from life. Here is already more than ten years I дружу with woman. Simply дружу. She much

the good person. Much pretty woman. But .. Why we дружим. Yes therefore that I review on it,

as on person, rather then as on woman. And she looks at me, as on person, rather then as on man.

Beside us both no no self-interests and interests what that .Вот we and дружим .Но beside both

On the first place family. And all rest.

And in conclusion. The Friends does not can be much. The Buddies, familiar. Yes please.

Do Not bid farewell. Before meeting. Beregite itself.

Author Alexander D.

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