How are you Dear Friend. Here is we and were once again met. On first our lesson, we
agreed that beside us not will bored, and to your purposes we shall go only,
through practical person and once again practical person. Now came to hear beside you, about Home
The Tasks. Wanted hope that from that many attempts gets acquainted with girl,
which you did, were and ingenious. If this so, that I pleased for you. continue In same
the spirit. sharpen, polish;grind Method, which I have offered you under the first our meeting.
But if result zero. If you tried, but nothing beside you was not got. Signifies
guilty ya. Signifies not was able I you duly to adjust. We Shall correct my
the misses. Though if honestly, I little лукавлю. This is because not all I have told you,
sending in fighting, on fit of our impregnable womans. And has not told purposely,
that you has afterwards felt the difference.
The Answer, please not even me, but to itself. You became to get acquainted with girl beside
which in nose ,,козюля,, or on head incomprehensibly that. Yes and in addition dirty ногти.
And in termination footwear not seen brush and cream. Think that no. But why you
think that girl will. Vspomni, as girls are going to to go, where nor be. This
непростое test for male phyche. Having Learned;learnted so much wait them before leaving,
possible boldly caught the criminal sitting in duck blind. The Experience priceless. And all this they do
believe that likes us. Fortunately from us such victims is not required. But
Zapomni, as ,,Report our,,
Understandable that достаток beside all different, but believe that possible to execute these all points,
and spend the minimum of the facilities. spare Its exterior more attention, than spare
presently. believe, твои Works do not disappear. All this is dipped success in our hard deal.
Well but now that you smell sweet, as may rose and glow , as new ,,five-kopecks,,
boldly in Fighting. Povtorenie, mother ученья. More so that today us will have next
the home task. The Main not forget. The Onslaught, and once again Onslaught. Will Let refuse one, try
else and else. The Flood plains. As soon as beside you are got execute first Home Task, beside
you will appear confidence and swagger;boast. This as after boa, yesterday's junker, become the бойцами.
Is Not got, sitting building, and knowing theory, gets acquainted with girl. Only onward, and with high
the lifted head. Not бойся , they you do not eat. The Maximum will send verbal or glance.
Well and will let send. Not losing, impossible win. Please, not supplies me.
do;make This.
Here is we and подошли to the second home task. But, this does not signify that it is necessary to forget about
the first. No. On the contrary, you it is necessary will, as бусинки on thread, string each acceptance. And already
try not one, but two. Try and once again try
I am continue tale, about acquaintance on street, taken from life, rather then from толстых textbook,
which have written ,,male dogs-theorists,,. As this I about they have forgotten, so much has written, but has recalled
only presently. Know why. Simply we with you raged more important deal, than discuss
the question- ,,will Agree or no,,. And this on thirty, so page. What discuss. Will Agree,
well. Will Not agree, her worse. Such lad has lost. Do Not want they sort to perfect its,
with your help. Apropos about sort, will be time, honour;respect article. The Truth she disputable.
The Ithaca, begin.
Go I as- that on street. One. The Heat. Solnyshko. The Mood excellent. Review two девчонки
ahead of go, talk, are dared. With backs one, even much. Well in general work there much.
That to do? Go they not always will. All simply. Home stocking up.
You never its familiar, with backs of the eye hand did not close the palm? Same.
But . You must itself believe that simply to mistaken. Without cheating. Mistaken and all here. But what similar!
Learn to come in well actor.
Podhozhu. Close the eye a palm. The Cheep, as usually. But afterwards , not giving regains consciousness, I minutes
ten apologized that to mistaken. And buffoons. The Fun destroys awkwardness. But has afterwards offered, once
uzh so was got, gets acquainted. And see honored, but cunning eye. Devchonki, they
believe, not such uzh foolish. And in tag ends можешь to confess that uzh much you wanted
gets acquainted. Here is and придумал, the first that came on wit. About me nor word. They know me.
But some are remembered hitherto. The Fun.
Here is on today and all. try. Only onward. Now beside you two Home Tasks.
See you later. The Coasts itself.
Author Alexander D.