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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman


The Girls.The Rules removal.

And has here is solved to write not even article,but small manualч of the mans,who are afraid gets acquainted with woman.One are afraid,other do not know as this do.Think this will useful honour and woman too.


     The Ithaca begin.The Dear Friend, hereinafter allow you so name,since beside us must be a confidential relations.And else humour,humour,humour.If having read words ,,Introduction,, beside you on person did not appear the smiles,but in brain assotiation,that you really simply must learns in our school.You surround enormous колличество all the manner of allowance textbook,course.And all of these guarantee that after them you will become simply Dushkoy, which no need and gets acquainted.The Women(woman)s do a little running to you themselves.Do Not do a little running.believe.
   I read some of the managament,and know to what conclusion came,will yes forgive me their authors.You can say.I them about itself has named ,,male dogs-theorists,, Us it it is necessary.Think no.We need only practice and humour(not forget about it).
The Money for education me no need.With Friends of the money not take.I it is necessary only one.
  That you busily learned;learnt and executed the home tasks.But as without them.After all this in your интерессах.When you see the first results,but they have no doubt will, that you will caught in than difference between ,,male dog-theorist,, and ,,male dog-practical person,,.
  The Chief businesses will later,but today we simply talk the стобой.I want you to prepare to that that quick result not will.This only ,,,male dogs-theorists,, promise to do quickly such man.No.Us will have on the other.Only practice.And humour,humour and once again humour.Since when you will do the mistakes,only humour you will help to come out of awkward situation.I you shall speak of real example from life, rather then thought up.You will try to do the first steps.
   But never forget about Humour.
                                    Zapomni Rule 1.

    * Even though you has refused, always care from girl with smile.
     But smile must be a smile of the Winner.bluff,As in card.
      Let she is shown that she has refused or son of the Magnate,or male dog with enormous потенцией,about which all know,but her why that has forgotten to report.

    Zapomni any woman rejecting man,not arbitrarily,but some specially look the reaction this next ,,камикадзе,,.Well and let look.But you her show that she does not carry.

                                     The PIECE OF ADVICE.

    Zapomni that enormous amount of the mans want the womans.But not less enormous количесство womans want the mans.We simply seem that women(woman) shy.As it were not so.Mozheshi about this read in Article which I wrote.No,they not less our though gets acquainted.

   For begin you it is necessary to adopt one thing.Gets acquainted possible with Any woman.I was not specified,with Any.The Other question whether to you this.And at the end of our present-day talk I you this shall show.

    Wanted that you analysed at least little our lessons.And прменял all in practice.
We theorists in school do not need.Pereodichnosti our occupation will be one lesson in fortnight approximately.This thinks will it is enough for assimilation of the material,yes and me too it is necessary simply to live and taste the joys to lifes.

     The Ithaca that promised.What gets acquainted,when chances zero.remember;memorize And analyse.

  In бытность my student,got acquainted everywhere where possible and it is impossible.We Cost(stand) as that with boys on bus stop near by m.VDNH.VIZHU not far away cost(stand)s the girl.The Tsarina.The Muzhiks are licked глядя on such wealth.And frontal and behind all under her.But is packed as.
We simple soviet student there to caught the нечего.And here as usually buddy has said whole one word.Weakly? The Chances zero.I this understands.But else who that has offered to argue on box beer.
   But male dog I,or who.And I will go on embrasure.Guess than all ended.Think she sent me?
Did Not become with me to talk? Mistaken the Dear Friend.
 The Boys saw as I will go to her.We with she stood about ten minutes.I on type beside gaped mouth friends has peacefully taken from her(its) hands бумажку with fondest phone number.
.Мы smiled and prettily talked.Afterwards we bade;bid farewell,and peacefully returned.
     All were in shock.As such could occur.All simply.Tell.
   remember;memorize And wind on moustache.

     Little who knows that good improvisation,this well prepared home stocking up.
Yes chances was not.But...
   Here is I подошQл and said her truth.That here is there cost(stand) three boobies of the student and that if I with her not познакомлюсь,that shall owe him box beer.Well that her miserable приколотся and help.
Do the type that she клюнула,улыбнутся and write on farewell phone number any.
   At the same time on stop to stand her will not bored.That she can not itself to allow пошутить?Turned out to be can.Yes else as.She much liked the thought and way.
   Apropos telephone she has written its.But this other history.

                               The Home task.
    Analyse the way.Let he will be in your piggy bank.Try to use him(it) in practice.Not without fall have herewith beside buddies.Creative approach to the whole.
   Show the girl on any people,even stranger.Whence her to know,know you them or no.If that afterwards will possible acknowledge that this was a fun.And do not forget about humour.Will Refuse once,arouse else.Only practice and proud непокабелимый type.

    But now Dear Friend I dialect to you GOODBYE.Hope to see with you under the following our meeting.Good luck you in our hard deal.

Author Alexander D.

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