During reorganization in one of the newspapers has read very interesting clause. The people are more senior, certainly remember, that В.И.Ленин, the leader of world(global) proletariat, very much liked субботники. It when voluntary - under duress people leave in free from job time and work for the boon of a society(community). And free-of-charge. That is gift. So in this occasion there is even a picture written by the artist. On which Ильич together with all bears(carries) on субботнике бревно. Never mind where and it is unimportant what for. Main, that has taken part. So. Bears(carries) naturally not one. At all greatness of the leader, one to him бревно was to not master. The author of clause, was not too lazy, for what to him honour and praise, he has taken and has analysed the memoirs, in which are mentioned events connected with субботниками. In clause the references to sources were resulted. Has appeared, what is it бревно, together with the leader bore(carried) huge quantity(amount) of the people. More полутора of thousand the man. Can from all mentioned, who bore(carried) that and. But not as much of people. The most part simply врёт turns out, that. So to say for giving the importance to the modest person.