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С 29.11.09

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Global model of the World. Murder in Деревне.

When has written the whole series of clauses under the name,, Global model of the World,, thought, that вс ё. Well, has written and has written. Shortly has stopped on such characters as Джон, Иван, Whether. What to understand about what it I, I think, it is necessary to esteem. Basically in the letters the people asked, when there will be a continuation. But for myself I have decided(solved). Вс ё. The continuation will not be. The continuation is usual it happens worse, than about what is already written. Unfortunately, the life has brought in the corrective amendments. Let it will be by my contribution in general(common) копилку of our memory. We should not anything overlook(forget). We are simply obliged to remember вс ё. And those who is pleased to this murder in Деревне, should remember one. Another's burning it does not happen. What for then to take offence, when who that will be pleased to yours I burn.

   I already wrote, giving a general characteristic Ивану, that he, very original. Can last рубаху remove(take off) and give back to the neighbour. Can itself together with домочадцами live almost that впроголодь, but help other guys. To him main, that he(it) would have many friends. Can and уши to freeze назло to these friends. Can today help by a roll of bread, and tomorrow спалить neighbour's manor. Much can. But the times vary, and together with them ours varies also Иван. To vary that varies, but домочадцев as did not like, and till now does not like.

The ancestors Ивана, too did not differ large любовью to close, but those even supported in manor discipline. Усатый the Grandfather at Ивана has died, and can and родня подсуетилась, that he would leave in the world other. Dark it is a history. Командовали in manor all to whom laziness. One very much liked corn выращивать, another appreciated calmness in manor most . Third to break and to reconstruct вс ё норовил. Last, very much with green змеем сдружился. But also домочадцы did not remain in a duty. Вс ё that badly lays here sold through штакетину in a fence. Looked at it вс ё growing up Иван, and thought. No. We shall go by other way. If to sell, on a strong and solid basis. Why? Yes because clever and artful. There was no he to wait, when батя помрёт. Ещ ё at life, where by a deceit, where by threats, has forced батю to sign donative. On manor, well and on родню. Вс ё мо ё. I sit and царствую.

   And вс ё would be anything. But the inconvenience one, very much prevented Ивану. Not that is strong so prevented, but некомфортно he felt itself(himself). All neighbours like with Иваном would be considered, well or pretend, that are considered. And one neighbour, as заноза in one place sat at Ивана. The line bent, yes at each convenient case hurried попрекнуть злодействами in the past, and those which will be in the future. He could not excuse кровушки домочадцев. About whom it I? And about whom.

Слыхали, probably, proverb. Or Пан, or was gone. So it just about the neighbour Ивана is said. Proud he was. And very much did not like ours Ваню. Sometimes there was an impression, that by the purpose of the life at Пана, was maximal to salt(do a bad turn) Ивану. Certainly, was for what. But also itself Пан, we shall say honourly, with ours Ваней not in бирюльки played. And on Ваниной to manor погуливал. If it was possible manors to transfer to other place. Then can, anything and would not be. And so ….. In general(common), they have not got on.

You will say, and what the guys? What to reconcile it was impossible them сердешных. To set for a table. To pour on чарке. To drink world(global). It would be possible. But did not believe Пан, that Иван after world(global), becomes by the friend. By him(it) on souls to talk. Yes where there. And at the guys the interest. It is necessary to them. Иван it is more important, in the friends названых. He has woken up. Whether it is not enough what do can, if they Пана will support. Has felt ours Ваня слабинку this. Also has decided(solved) from the neighbour to get rid.

   And here and the case has turned up. Though can, and has not turned up, and вс ё it is simple very much. Has bribed златом Ваня, couple домочадцев Пана, those and have helped a case to organize. Has decided(solved) Пан on a carpet the plane of a tomb сынов убиенных to come to see. About a role Ивана, in next time to tell. And вс ё anything, but the tombs that, in territory Ивана are. And to give up Пану it is impossible, the guys will not understand such callousness, and to listen to speeches his(its) malicious, Ване already has bothered. Let flies. If can. And Пан could. Only has not reached. Has not sufficed a little.
Speak, the failure has happened to a carpet by plane. Speaking виднее certainly.

Берёзка has prevented. And so would reach Пан. And again would begin to shame Ивана. But is thought, what not in берёзке business. Probably guys silently have agreed to murder in деревне. Could they know. Деревня you see by hearings полнится. And can, and prevent have not wanted. They you see Пана, if it is honour too not especially liked. Another he simply was. Not such as they. Now time another. It is a pity Пана? It is a pity. Others, not hiding are pleased. Only Пану вс ё is equal already.

Buried Пана very solemnly. As Hero. Even Ваня почтил this celebration by the presence. And other guys, those who повзрослее, have not gone. The angers Ваниного were frightened, probably. Or can, have pretent, that were frightened. Here nature has helped by them and person to save. On one of sites someone from детворы an arson a heap with foliage. Spring you see. The people also induce the order in kitchen gardens. The heap has lit up. The smoke has gone. Not that very much strong. But has appeared, that the carpets planes in such conditions do not fly. No, fly, but only some. Ивана a carpet the plane flies. At other guys, that is smaller by age, same flies. And at some no. Engineering.

Only Пан вс ё equally has won. One has won. You see for the most part домочадцев, he has remained in memory, as the hero. But the heroes long do not live. But close them very long remember. And you see when командовать becomes new Пан, not that will be now. No. Present Пан. He you see again will remember вс ё it Ивану. So, closed circle?

   The author Gorg. April, 2010.

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