Dear Friends! If before, humanity was divided into those who has email address and those who do not have ... In recent years the situation has changed radically. Now email is at all, or almost all. Seemingly live and rejoice, write letters to relatives and friends, but ... You have to pay for everything, including ease of communication. The presence of this e-mail address, could not take advantage of all sorts of scams, which still very much around. This is important. That's about it, and how they are trying to cheat us, we'll talk.
In the past year received a letter. Letter from an unfamiliar address. Read, became interested in ... Unknown to me the good, people wanted to help. No, I am not in principle against when wanting to help. Simply because of natural hazards, to such attempts to treat always skeptical. It was clear that I was dealing with fraud. It was clear that not about my well-being they are baked. It was clear that I will not be able to pass by. It was clear that this is a good topic for an article. So say boredom, and preventing good, but often naïve people.
vanessahernandez1...adinet.com.uy; vanessahernandez1 ... adinet.com.uy
I would like to welcome you
With due respect and humanity, I was compelled to write to you on humanitarian ground. My name is Mrs. Vanessa Hernandez. I was born in Baltimore, MD Maryland. I am married to Mr. Timothy Hernández Director JC Industries. We have been married for 36 years without a child. He died after a heart Operation motorways.
And recently, my doctor told me that I did not last long for the next six months due to my cancer problem (liver cancer and stroke). Before my her husband died last year, the amount of $ 2.8 million, which it passed on storage in a bank here in Togo. Currently this money is still in a bank having known my condition I decided to donate this Fund to any good God fearing brother or sister who will use this Fund as I am going to instruct here.
I want somebody who will use this Fund in accordance the desire of my late husband in helpless privileged people, children houses, widows and propagating the word of God. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this Fund, and I do not want to away, where this money will be used in an unholy way. That's why I accept this decision to refer you to this Fund.
I am not afraid of death hence I know where I'm going. I want you always Remember me in your daily prayers, because my upcoming surgery cancer. Write back as soon as possible any delay in your reply will give me room in search of another person for the same purpose.
God bless you as you listen to the voice of reasoning
Ms. Vanessa Hernandez.
After such a letter, only very stale heart man does not write a reply. Because, Mrs. Vanessa waits for my answer, is seething. Yes and no small amount, such amounts do not roll on the road. This is important. Had to write an answer.
Alexander (Sandro) Djordjadze batonogorg ... gmail.com
To: vanessahernand
Ms. Vanessa Hernandez, Hello!
Very sad about the death of your spouse. This is certainly a sad fact. Thank you very much for the suggestion. Touched deeply. Nowadays, very little such good people like you. Of course, I accept your offer. Will spare no effort that would justify your trust.
As far as I understand, you want all the money, namely $ 2.8 million dollars to pass me. There is no secret that in our time we cannot trust strangers, but ... I believe you, you shouldn't disbelieve. Again thank you very much. Please, when will I receive my money by now.
Do not say goodbye. Take care of yourself.
Yours Faithfully Alexander (Sandro)
The answer was not long in coming. Work quickly. Less than an hour as Mrs. Vanessa sent me a message. Impression that she sat at the computer and waited for when I will inform about your decision. Well, maybe where otlučalas′ for a couple of minutes, but immediately returned. How else, after all, we are talking about such an important fact, as her late husband's wish. And even though the address was not one that was for the first time, but who looks at such trifles. Let's not quibble. This is important. The second letter was lot more volume text. Apparently Mrs. Vanessa decided to Flash the eloquence and show his erudition. It is commendable. Read, brilliant text. Here's how to handle clients.
Vanessa Hernandez vanessaher...rediffmail.com
My dear, Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you and all your family members all together with my friends, I hope everyone is alright and in good health, if it is Thanksgiving to the Almighty Father for his mercy and guidance. your message is well received and well understood content.
Thank you very much for your willingness to take to provide assistance is my vow to God Almighty, and I pray that God will give you wisdom, which should allow you to run this project for his glory. My dear beloved, Almighty God lead me to convey to you my donation to the Fund, as my late husband me advice when he was alive, and so would I want you and your Home Ministry to use the Fund to fulfil my vow for the glory of God, our father, because I am so sick right now.
I got your contact through the Internet, and I have decided to appoint you as my new beneficiary of the Foundation, as well as an instrument of God to help me to dispose of this Fund in less those privileges, as well as to spread the word of God, our heavenly father. I am very happy to receive your reply this morning.
Many thanks again for your concern to my donation, I already made up my mind before contacting you, now when I am writing this letter to you, I was taken into hospital here, in Order, and if not for that caring sisters who use here to help me when typing letters on the computer and send to you, in fact God used it to help me here as my late brother-in-law throw me only because there was no baby for his late brother, and they're all against me because my late husband properties that they also plan to claim all because I'm currently sick, but thank God that I hide certificates of my donations to the Fund and they will never know about this Fund because a Bank Fund is performing a vow I and my late husband made before God Almighty.
My dear beloved, I am 62 years old women, I need your help for my donation because I am very, very sick now, my doctor said that it would not last longer on this earth, because my disease, but I am not afraid of death, just what I need right now for my donation to be a good party, I really need your prayers because I can't even walk with my two legs anymore due to stroke but I know that God has me at his appointed time, and I'm not going to die, to see that my donation you received and also used as I instructed you. In the childhood of the living God, you should know that our ways are not his ways.
My Bible tells me that God works differently, and all designed for good to them that believed in Christ Jesus. This is actually leading the holy spirit that I choose you in obedience and love to fulfill the desire of me and my late husband that I maintained for the glory of God, after the bad news my doctor gave me about my health condition, I freaked out, and I had to open the case to him so that he will help me to contact the bank where my late husband deposited money but the Bank said that before anything, that we should go to the Supreme Court and get permission letter that will enable the Bank to make the transfer of ownership of your name as the new designated beneficiary from me before they will give you in your country.
Just what I need from you now, your full name, telephone number and fax number, together with your home address as soon as I hear from you with the necessary information, I will pass it on to my doctor so that he can help us get an authorization letter in your name and address, and it will be done immediately, I will also forward and gave you the Bank contact information in the other, so that you immediately contact them, as well as plan with them on how the Fund should be the release and made the transfer to your bank account in your country.
I attach a photo of me and my husband to your vision. Thanks for now and I'll wait to hear from you as soon as you read this post, let the Lord be with you and bless you, please I need your prayer about my disease.
Your sister in Christ,
Ms. Vanessa Hernandez.
What words! Calvary. Wisdom. The beneficiary of the Fund. Certificates of deposit. I respect their new directly familiar. Yes what there new. She was getting me closer and closer. Almost rodnaya dusha. Several confused please tell her your full name, phone number and fax number, as well as home address. Really, not whether it is meeting guests to me?! Turns out, it is necessary to procure products for the table. Not sandwiches her same feed. And if she is on the diet sits, because she writes that suffers from ... Yes, the letter was attached family photo. So to speak, that I may behold her late husband. This is important.
Alexander (Sandro) Djordjadze batonogorg...gmail.com
To: vanessahernand
Dear Ms. Vanessa Hernandez.
There are no words that would describe my thanks for your concern. Thank you Very Much. Of course, to repeat myself, but moved to the depths of the soul. Yes, what can I say, heavy and you have a difficult fate. But I believe that you are very strong and kind man.
You ask to inform full name, phone number and fax number, along with all my home address. This would not be a problem, but you forget that I live in Russia. You have no idea what here total control by the special services. Nightmare. All and everything under control. Imagine tapped telephone conversations, correspondence private. Nothing and no one escapes the watchful Oka these same services. But ...
Don't worry, there is still way out! And what if you my money, my money already, if I'm not mistaken, translate to a plastic card of one of the prominent Western banks. You have to be a plastic card with my money. Next, we agree, how to pass the card to me personally in hands. The options are many, believe me, I've thought of many of them.
Well, as a variant of the meeting at the airport, for example. Why buffet? Well, it seems to me in public places is reduced control of special services for the population. Bring on the stage of the transfer cards by unauthorized persons believe it inadvisable, because information leaked. And then perhaps they would arrest us all, and I can't risk your life and freedom. Yet.
I beg to inform your response that would start preparing for the selection of the place and time of transfer of a plastic card. Thanks for the photo. You are really very beautiful couple were. It is a pity that it happened.
Do not say goodbye. Take care of yourself.
Yours Faithfully Alexander (Sandro)
Vanessa Hernandez vanessaher...rediffmail.com
Hello Dear,
This is me Ms. Vanessa Hernandez, it gives me great pleasure to contact you after our unsuccessful attempt on our business operations. Well, I just want to use this medium to thank you for your help earlier, to assist me in obtaining funds, without any positive results thanks to Almighty God, that I am free today.
I must tell you that I have in obtaining funds through a new partner from Paraguay Fernando Alvaro Gomez. Everything was done perfectly, because we make a deal with one of the Lady accountant who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) and she had a tremendous help to me. My new partner initiated this idea and it worked successfully.
In recognition of your earlier assistance to me in getting money, I decided to reimburse you for the amount of eighty thousand dollars ($ 80.000.00) in cheque. This is from my own. I did it just to show appreciation for your kind support and assistance, although we have not been able to because of some unforeseen circumstances and causes.
Currently, I'm in for my medication and investment projects with my own share on the advice of my partner. Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to help me in this transfer of funds, despite the fact that we could not succeed. I will send you an email from time to time to know if you got your share or not.
In the light of the foregoing, you, therefore, to connect with my pastor and not send him your contact address where you want the cheque to be sent to you and your phone number to contact him at the address below.
Please contact my church pastor, Pastor Peter Graham.
ORTHODOX Emanuel Nard ministries.
Rev. Pastor Peter Graham, President and founder
(Life members of the society of the Red Cross)
Db. Th., E'Litt B.a.., B.s. (Jerusalem)
"Social and spiritual voluntary organization.
Phone + 22,890,628,467
E-mail: pastorpetergraham...hotmail.fr
Rev. Pastor Peter Graham.
Please would you let me know as soon as you receive this test please get back to me as soon as you receive your check, so we can shift the Joy together and thank the Almighty God for his mercy. Hoping to here from you, that you have received a check
Thanks again and may God Almighty bless you.
Your beloved
Ms. Vanessa Hernandez.
She loves me! At the end of the letter itself had written. There are new assistants. Pastor Peter Graham and partner from Paraguay Fernando Alvaro Gomez. And they say that the good people left. Imagine people who don't know me, pastor and partner from Paraguay, dropped out of its case and want to help me. Until yesterday this fact would be fiction, but drat ... Confused again. Gomez. Although, why not be simple Gomez, partner from Paraguay. So here we wonder when their gomesov. Pleased as a bonus eighty thousand dollars. There are no superfluous money.
... And here on this site, have to interrupt his story. And it's not that our correspondence came abruptly to an end. That you, as you can. No, the correspondence continued, but ... Everything went in a circle. As a tale about a white Bull. I wrote all the protagonists of the story. And Mrs. Vanessa, and pastor, and partner from Paraguay, but ... They all, in one way or another, wanted to get some contact information. He answered them, so, like a normal person and I should be in such cases. Well, of course I'll take the money type, bank card, but the data report will not. Dangerously so.
But the last word left for yours truly. When tired of well-wishers write me and kinda like accepted that nothing they fail, made the shot. Posted by mhatovskoj letter to pause after a single issue. Lord, where is my money?! More competitive bids have been received that some upset. Really good people is becoming less and less. And like on live?!
People, beware.
That's all that I wanted to say.
The author would appreciate comments.
Author Gorg January 2016 year