Dear Friends!!! Here you live, look at their environment and are amazed. No, I understand, but as the saying goes, it never wasn't, that would have been ...
In order not to become a client of the psychiatric clinic, our environment must be understood for what they are. Yes, it's hard. Yes, I'd like to give advice and recipes, but ... Today, I would like to share with you one observation, which naturally does not purport to be scientific discovery, but none the less.
Traditionally, take a look at this is the fact that at first glance, it may seem, is not at all irrelevant to the stated topic. So, let's see what we said all knowing Wikipedia.
V.i. Lenin.

Charles de Gaulle airport
What am I?! Yes it is very very easy. Modern leaders ceased to be engaged in self-education. Well, no they have on this piece of time. And if you look into the distant and not-so-distant history. Rumor has it that Catherine II, in the early hours of sat down and wrote their texts ... By and large this is correct, most productive work it is mental in the morning hours.
The leader of the world proletariat, no one entrusted to such an important cause. He sat down and wrote, knowing that if you want something done, do it yourself. But not the only reason. Just as Lenin was thinking when I wrote the texts, whether it be a fiery speech or plans to seize the mail, Telegraph, stations ... If we don't cheat, the father of the peoples had read serious literature, and it was time for this lesson. Historians argue that Stalin found time and wrote his, that the short course history of the CPSU (b),,.
If you recall the other statesmen, the mental work such as practiced by Churchill and Terrible. Entrust such important work to any person a was not ...
But it's in the past. And now we have what we have. Modern leaders, on the serious consider themselves workaholics who day and night nonstop work, work and more work. Well, they have no time for such nonsense as self-education. Well, except that the pomace news read before another meeting or presentation to ...
There is a reasonable question. What is the thought process of the heads?! You will be very surprised, but no it is not. Leaders do not think!!! It's a terrible state secrets, so I ask her not to disclose. Oh well, managers do not think. But the thought process is not stopped as did not stop rushing bison. That's right, the process goes and participate in it all sorts of aides of the leaders. Think helpers, of course, on instructions from their leaders. Created entire subdivisions that are in this business. It may be correct in modern realities, but ...
Just imagine, that important, I would say software texts are written by unknown masters, mates, and then head to feeling really and placement of them read out to the electorate. But it is, in fact, is a State of thought, which in most cases determines the direction of development of the major aspects of the development of the State. In fact, at the State level, modern head offer, and he enjoys mental services ...
Highly literate and certainly brilliant experts can argue. Type, and that this, as do all over the world. And in fact, there is no reason for anxiety and panic attacks. What are you, I am not panikuû, just suggest to look at the issue. So I hear that the Assistant simply wrote out the thought leader in the text, which is then recorded. AHA, now!
I do not want to seem very very intellectual, but nonetheless. If I'm not mistaken, the word, is the materialization of thoughts. At least, that was considered so far. Thinking of Homo sapiens, it verbally, by nature. Of course you can, obličënnuû thought, not in words to the thought, but I assure you it will be the greatest confusion. It would almost be a thought, a mirage of ...
If your manager has thought, and I note that it was his idea, he is able to express it. If the Manager cannot make it, it means he has no thoughts. I understand that the Assistant can be given basic topics for writing text, but ... Charging Assistant write themselves text output Manager takes the text of his assistant, which fully reflects the intelligence, erudition, the political orientation of the writer.
It is the understanding of these simple and basic things statesmen of the near and distant past is always writing about themselves, not trusting their thoughts advocates. Everything is very simple. These people were thinking it! Moreover, despite the employment, always found time for this important lesson.
You just think. Someone writes, while the head of the read out someone written text. Nonsense?! Of course, although many people, so many views of ...
That's what I say.
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Author Gorg May 2015 year