Dear Friends!!! No unified policy alive people. And here's a thought, not whether we talk about the eternal light that fills our life force and meaning of ...
And one more thing, for understanding what we are saying today.
I don't remember who, of course not stupid people past, said a very smart thing on the other, are not stupid people, took offense and chose not to notice. Meaning was that people should be free, especially internally, and that's as far as it's free, that's internally by exactly as much as you can and release of the stuffy basement of tyranny.
On my own I might add, that when we speak of freedom, then forgets about the main thing. Maybe I'm wrong, but ... In my opinion the most terrible, that's the freedom to a slave. You may not believe it, but this is worse than an atomic bomb. If you give freedom to the slave, you can put out the light and drain water. Why?! Elementary!!! Proven to the entire history of the development of mankind, that the slave, albeit free, can not live without a man, how could anyone not want to believe it. ...
Take a look at the development and formation of freedom in Russian culture, which became possible only in conditions of democracy, whose winning streak we have seen over the past few decades. And how else, after all, in such circumstances, civil society has received what has dreamed of for years.
So how did it all begin!!! After Uncle Misha, came to power in Russia dyadya borya. According to tradition, this thing needed ... Well, in simple terms, it is necessary to wash, although now would say that dyadya borya just had prostavit′sâ it to her pleasures and did. As well as experience, in the process, wanting very much, then it's the putting has been protracted for the whole term of Office of his uncle Boris, until he was replaced in this difficult post Uncle Volodya, but that's another story ...
While some tasted strong drinks, the country continued to deteriorate. But holy place is never empty and ... Lead the State Russian, came from theorists and former Komsomol activists. Can you imagine what force is!!! Some loved building beautiful schemes of economic and political development of the country, and the latter loved directing banks and have avoided meeting with the invisible hand of the market to ...
You may not believe it, but it's the triumph of Justice and liberty, though the electorate was of a different opinion, different from the views of his uncle and the uncle of the late Yegor Tolley. But the electorate is explained that is not robbery and destruction, but just the invisible hand of the market is put in its place. Was told that it should, that without this we will never build a society of equal rights and opportunities ...
And not to be unfounded and apparently remembering some of the works of the great uncle Volodya, leader of all workers and depressed, have called on intellectuals. These employees intellectuals was tasked to do everything so that people don't put stupid and harmful issues. They rolled up their sleeves and with the permission of said artists took up the work. Remember, as they did during the dominance of communism, socialism and internationalism were telling beautiful stories about collective work for the benefit of the fatherland. Paradoxically, these same people have become so colorfully described all delights of a free society that we will build.
Any slave can be distinguished according to retaliate. Moreover, even in the hands of revenge yesterday's slave arms very high destructive power. Although, did come in yesterday's slaves of ... Look around and all. Main break yesterday's values and to proclaim the value of today. The impression that yesterday's slaves whole life lived in a society where freedom and democracy triumphed. In particular, an impression reinforced when they branded the old enthusiasm and Komsomol vozveličivali new.
And a new culture became more violent color. Mentally ill people were declared overnight, great artists, film directors, musicians ... All mixed up in the House of Oblonskih. Were pornography, perversion, mate. With the beginning of building a society of freedom and democracy, this magically turned into a stiff prose, dichotomy, subjectivity and contemporary art.
Liberals, and it definitely goes about it, never forgot his favorite. Every day, the electorate was told that everything achieved and certainly will be done, this is without any doubt the merit of Liberals and no one else. Because right now, people can watch, read, listen and do what could not have been dreamed of before. Where once dreamed about space exploration, in modern terms the agenda have very different values. And they, were fundamental and overriding of ...
And of course, at the forefront of the struggle for the new values were the Liberals, who would have doubted. And who else can lead the fight for our freedom and yours?! There's nowhere else to, only they and no one else. The classics of literature and 19th centuries came our contemporaries. So say geniuses who create in real time. Of course, gentlemen, comrades of the bulls, Erofeev, Prigov, Pelevin, Grishkovets... Nobody has forgotten?!
All ingenious is that they generate, we simply must buy and read, from the perspective of Liberals, otherwise run the risk of permanently stay in the dark past where ruled the obscurantism and Communist ideology. But to say that just buy and read, that's not all. It is imperative to express my sincere admiration and, it is desirable to share that joy with others. Soviet agitprop just resting, compared with liberal freedom of ...
Serve the ideologically, this I tell you very expensive for the Treasury job, but very profitable from the point of view of brilliant artists. Huge circulations, advertising, laudatory reviews and ... Yes, you guessed it! None of these creations do not buy and does not read, but loved ones, well, quite romantic fanatic liberal sect. If the inquiries, the situation with huge circulations, this is pure profanity...
Remember, was the uncle of Lyonya, who loved honors and was a writer. Concurrently, he oversaw a huge country. Editions of his books have been huge, but ... Who can say how many of them remained unsold in stores?! No one, it was a terrible state secret. And now. Modern geniuses as would be produced, but that's how much is bought, it is as in the past, mystery shrouded lore of ...
There was such a degree of freedom that ... If you try to respond critically to the ingenious creations equally brilliant authors, you run the risk of running into accusations of violations of the rights of civil society. If not ugomonites′ and will become impudent, you will find yourself among the persecutors of the best people of the fatherland and the willingness to substantially lower the level of education of the population. The population, which is still in a State of stagnancy and underdevelopment. ...
Apparently, on this basis, many geniuses, trying to explain to the population that all their creativity they bring a sacrifice on the altar of freedom. They sacrifice themselves for the sake of everyone, regardless of political views and religious affiliation. And of course, you must read the electorate and bow before such a sacrifice.
And yet, the Liberals and the artists love to perpetuate himself the favorite in the national history. Yes, you guessed it, they love to make different kinds of commemorative plaques. Do not be mistaken, if you reckon that the bright future, this tradition will be developed and the boards come monuments in full growth. There are many examples it is not necessary.
So thankful the electorate hasn't forgotten who he must svalivšemusâ his happiness in the Russian capital, on one of the buildings a memorial plaque, reminiscent of that outstanding contemporary Economist Yegor Gaidar. And it's not the grateful contemporaries made and installed a plaque that you and friends of the deceased, not less brilliant people took and thus paid tribute to his friend and-arms of ...
The evil people in this regard were quite reasonable questions. When and by whom, Yegor Gaidar was recognized as a great Economist at State level?! Is there any official recognition of his achievements in the social, political, economic, public action?! If there is, then please do not hide from the general public such facts, and promote them in every possible way. But then, they are evil people that would ask hurtful questions, so what wonder...
If you think that this state of affairs was at the initial stage of the construction of a free society, you are deeply mistaken. Examples?! You are welcome!!! Not so long ago, there was still quite resonant event, which by tradition is left unevaluated most backward of the Russian society. Uncle Volodya, residing in the Kremlin, has committed another crime. From the window of his Kremlin apartment, using a sniper rifle, which he gave at the time Uncle Serezha Shoigu, he shot great and brilliant Uncle Boru Nemtsov.
All of that was then, I will not describe, and tell about the commitment of the liberal tradition. With only his aplomb and assertiveness, murders his uncle Bori Nemtsov, for some unknown reason to me, as a memorial to Nemtsov. Then people claiming called the conscience of the nation decided that it was imperative to perpetuate the name of Boris Efimovich in recent Russian history. It was proposed to rename the Moskvoretsky bridge, where it was murder, though it may eventually change, Nemtsov bridge.
As is the case with the uncle of Yegor Gaidar, the action takes place on the knurled pattern. Meet friends and Associates, sat and decided that it was necessary to perpetuate the name of the next liberal in memory of ungrateful by contemporaries. This may be correct from the point of view of colleagues and friends, but ... Can do this idea, like the idea of the monument, discuss with the electorate?! I understand that there is a risk, but democratically it would be ...
And there appeared omnipresent, like gonorrhea in military brothel, municipal Deputy Maxim Katz. Well, he could not stay on the sidelines when this country, with the permission of say, a revolutionary situation ripens. Moreover, in the future, there are excursions on place of the main opposition on Russian territory.
Meanwhile, at the place of death, heavy action, which started at the beginning was invisible. Rudiments of infrastructure have emerged and some semblance of logistics. Conscious romance appeared to spend the night in the middle of the bridge and guard the flowers, candles and portraits of Uncle Bori. Probably, there is a fear that Uncle Volodya, who shot an uncle She come at night and all of this takes a long memory. You may not believe it, but there are chairs, so that the defenders of the Memorial could relax.
It is possible that soon may be the ubiquitous Grandma that will bring in cakes and feed up defenders. Perhaps closer to fall, a socially conscious businessman who will give the army tent. This, of course, will provide an excellent opportunity to Liberals scream about their support of big business and the military. I think that Maxim Katz will not miss the opportunity to larëk with souvenirs, of course, at the expense of the city budget ...
I wonder what relation to innocently ubiennomu the bloody regime has all this action. No, really, no nonsense. Perhaps mistaken, perhaps demonstrate the peŝernost′ of thinking and narrow views, but ... Is it better to go, if there is a desire, on the grave of Boris Efimovich with a bouquet of flowers?! What?! Far away?! Well, then you can certainly raise the question of the re-burial of the hero, and the final resting place, choose the Moskvoretsky bridge.
The wonderful time we live, dear friends, and very interesting. Some artists write great books, others put on stage no less brilliant performances, others take on the budget money brilliant movies ... Our stark reality the absurdity made the norm, in which every second the creator is an unrecognized genius, claiming to be the conscience of the nation, with all its consequences ... The main thing is that everyone is busy, and seems to be involved in this work, and here's who and now there.
Moreover, each his creation, this tangle of associates produces the new word in art, which affects the sharp socio-political themes and demonstrates an active civil position. And that the people?! Not guessed?! And people continue to demonstrate a lack of this very active civil position, due to the complete lack of any position in principle. No, the question of course arises from the people, but a purely rhetorical. Why do all this?! But in response, ringing silence amid the global processes of ...
And what answer people?! Just what did he not understand anything in contemporary art. So, let them continue to samoobrazovyvat′sâ. Let the brilliant artists continue to sow reasonable, kind, eternal. Let them learn installation procedures and perfomansam. Let the drugged new values that can cause psychological distress in normal human ...
That's what I say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
Author Gorg May 2015 year
(P) . S And at the same time, all of progressive mankind and world culture is not static, but is quickly moving to a better future, which should clearly show how dark it was our past ...
For the convenience of citizens with a very active civil position, Mr. Maxim Katz organized a very convenient service. Flowers delivery via the World Wide Web. A sitewhere you can order flowers and they have delivered to the place of death of Boris Nemtsov. True track how many flowers purchased, how much money could not be translated, but ... How can you doubt the honesty of people like Maxim Katz!!!