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С 29.11.09

Our life


 My Hut with edge(territory). Indifference, as the diagnosis. A part second.

 In the first part of clause, I promised to tell, that was after the termination(ending) this
, fight,. What was then? Has returned to a hostel, all such beautiful, similar is more on китайца. Certainly, wild дивизия, in structure этак the man twenty, помчалась
To revenge for раненого of the comrade. And it is natural, that обидчиков already and the trace has caught cold. I in it
Road, participation did not accept. The guys have passed me in hands девчат on a floor. Know, there is what that charm, when you lay, and you look after девчонки. Be itself by the sultan in гареме. And even a little begin to feign what to receive ещ ё more attention and care. I repent, is guilty. In institute, first time, I, certainly, did not go. With what here institute. The people only to frighten of the kind. Синяки slowly, but is sure changed the colour. Who knows, that will understand, about what I speak. But one thing did not give me rest. I do not know. I, for some reason waited for these girls in the visitors. And can to me it would be desirable, that they would come to come to see the rescuer. But the girls also did not think of it. It already then to me became clear. When to me, at such improper moment there has arrived the friend of childhood. In such раскраске it was very inconvenient before the visitor. Having heard about this history, he has lit up by desire to see барышень. I would not like it, but he заладил same. I want to see and вс ё. Has bothered причитаниями. Only then I have understood, what for it was necessary for him. Want to see? Send. Have taken a pie, bottle good fault. The girls did not expect. Have invited for a table. We sit, пьём вино and we joke. Only I feel, that something here not so. I shall not intrigue. Has appeared, that барышни have thought, that we came to them behind compensation. Naturally in kind, the guys were going to take. So it became opposite. By words to not pass. I that have come from the friend. And he, appears, wanted them a little to shame. Could though time and to come to see. The man basically, because of you has suffered. Though by then, I was not absolutely similar any more to the injured. So remained a little. Seeing such business, we засобирались. But the friend has not restrained and has explained to them the purpose of our visit. And what is it he has forced me to reach them in the visitors. Subsequently we with the girls were crossed in institute, they smiled is guilty, but me already was, if it is honour вс ё equally. The time has approached to hand over offsets. Want, do not want, and to go in institute it is necessary. About two hours the familiar girls гримировали me. Calmness of the citizens and teachers, превыше only. Suddenly will be frightened. But if it is honour, зря they tried. A malicious joke the frost has played. While I have reached institute all синяки under a make-up were showed. I became ещ ё is more beautiful. And the offset was accepted by(with) the former known fighter, and subsequently not less known sports judge, on a surname Ципурский. If I shall say, what is it was глыба, I nothing shall say. It is a man - rock. The standard is simple ходячий. Shoulders, neck, nose, hand. It is better at the night to not meet it(him), in spite of the fact that to him already then was under sixty. From first time to receive offset from him(it) was considered is unreal. I sit. He writes, and me while ещ ё does not see. But when he has lifted a head, I have understood, that offset at me in a pocket. At him(it) such interest to me has appeared. Ещ ё, синяки bore eloquent testimony, that there was a fight. He has set the first question. How much them were. I answer, that six men. It is a little having thought, he has said, that chances was not. Then, having examined me hardly is closer(more attentive), has said. Though ….. Also began to draw to me on a paper the circuit. As it was necessary correctly to work. Спец, he and in Africa спец. Has put to me offset. And at last has given advice(council), which I and never have used. The conscience did not allow. You speaks, it was necessary to involve(attract) the people to the aid with very simple way. Some times метнуть in a hall, also it is desirable in the different parties, chairs, plate … .Получилась quite good заваруха, and you could leave. The people, begin to move, and that not everything, when trouble коснётся them. I do not know, he can and rights. And you, how think?
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
    The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. Февраль.2010г.

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