Which already have finished to study in high schools, those who already finishes. Those who has come or
Comes to supervise over us. What in it bad? I do not speak, that in it, there is, something
Bad. But I also do not speak, that in it there is, something good. That is, that is. Give
To look. Let's recollect a history.
In old, kind, and whom not the kind times, too supervised by us. Without
The managements(manual), are impossible in any way. Any business, should have chief. As were
Businesses in those times. The party(set), watched(kept up) all. Nominated and removed the chiefs, different
Levels. Translated on other job. Remember the blurred formulation.
In connection with transition to other job. And all the Directors of a Museum understood, for example, that,
Have nominated as the Chief of an auto Column. Most interesting, that from it as a whole, business
Did not suffer. From the chief it was not required, thorough knowledge of a subject. For
It there was a Main engineer, the assistants, technologists … .Руководитель, owed
To supervise. That вс ё it would work. To not do(make) sharp movements. And, that most important,
To have vital experience. The job with the people, it required(demanded). Seven times measure, one
Time cut off. Well it or is bad, not to me for judging. But the chief knew life. With what,
She should be. And most important, what she is actually.
What now? Now, to supervise all of us, came people familiar from childhood, with
By the personal computer. Games, program. Well it? Certainly. It is formed(educated), competent people and experts. One but ….
They do not know life. Life, it not game in economic strategy. That smoothly
On a paper, or at computer account, not always coincides with vital realities.
The basic problem.
I collided with such people. Вс ё have counted. But not вс ё учли. What to take into account, it is necessary
To know. But the decision is accepted. It already began to be embodied in life. It is impossible? Give
Let's alter. Or we shall find guilty. By him(it) to not understand, that two pluss two, not always happen
In the sum four. Sometimes there are also five. The personnel, for them as юниты in game. It is possible
прокачать to offer to transfer … .А you see вс ё much more difficultly. Most insulting, that
They, in general(common), not bad and not the silly people. Thinking simply another.
And them becomes very much. Has noticed, that the job with the people, causes in them fear
And mortal melancholy. What for to think, to take into account vital realities. We вс ё shall count on
The computer. The complexity, ещ ё and in that consists, that them does not reach, that it is impossible in any way
To compare our enterprises with foreign. Why? Yes because we can to
To example, half of working change to search what, be a detail, from which much
Depends. And then second half, the uncle Вася, will be by shivering hands е ё to establish. It is very bad, they speak. It is necessary to change a situation. Agree. But
Trouble in that of such enterprises very much. Give вс ё at once we shall break. And is farther,
That. It is necessary вс ё at once. Gradualness and методичность at them not in honour. Is necessary
Result? Please. Will be subordinated, which will be engaged next
очковтирательством. But it is called to not decide(solve) a problem, and загонять them deep into.
And to say the truth, to the young, arrogant chief much(many) are afraid. He you see
Can is fast, on геймерски, change one юнита, for another. Will fail. Let's try ещ ё. And so indefinitely.
Whether the situation in a near future will change. I doubt. While they will not fill to themselves
шишек on a head, hardly. Is sad that so it is possible together with water, выплеснуть
And child. The time will show. Can be, while they do not get rid of the workers old
формации, they will not calm down. Let's live, we shall see.
And you, what think?
Dear readers and friends. The request at a spelling of the comments, previously
To familiarize with Rules of commenting on a site SANDRONIC.RU
And вс ё.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. January. 2010.
The author will be grateful for your comments.