For those who does not know, or has forgotten, I shall say, that Л.И.Брежнев, was the chief,
Our former state, USSR. Though, unless there is a state former. No,
All of us, рожденные in USSR. And from this fact to not get to anywhere. And besides it, Леонид
Ильич, was ещ ё, and General Secretary КПСС. There was, such party(set). Вс ё was.
The Georgian Republic, and more correctly republican party(set), prepared to meet
And naturally solemnly to mark very large anniversary. Long before, before, all already
Knew, that the arrival expensive(dear) visitor is expected. If who does not know, I shall say, arrival of the visitor, such rank, is equivalent to act of nature.
Main to not strike in a dirty(dirt) by the person. To show all achievement. Вс ё owes
To pass at the highest level. Л.И.Брежнев, should воочию see, that all
The republic, вс ё е ё the population, cheerfully walks on a way, начертанному by our party(set), and
Personally Леонидом Ильичём. Everything, from is small up to is great, in a uniform impulse. In uniform I build.
And how the validity, very strongly differed, because, that should see,
The dear(expensive) visitor, was required intervention of authority.
The preparation was conducted, unprecedented rates. How by then, our leader,
Already was physically very weak, to this party of a question, the maximum was given
вниманья. Urgently, was reserved, and the lift is brought from behind a boundary. It(him) have established in a building
Philarmonic societies, where should act Л.И.Брежнев. A tribune specially prepared.
Having warmed up, seat … …. And business, I remember, was, spring. Not a frost, certainly трескучий, but
I shall say to you, it is pleased таки cool&.
I studied in that time, at school. In the senior classes. Unless we, Soviet schoolboys,
Could pass by such epoch-making event. No, certainly. And who would allow us
To pass past. All in a uniform impulse, understand, and we past. Us would not understand. And вс ё
Anything. Well would pass amicable колонами by a tribune with the leader. All делов that.
No, someone above, has decided(solved) what simply to pass, we can and on a school court yard, and here case special. It is necessary to pass beautifully.
To me in eyes to this man to see. He probably has recollected, parades and
Demonstrations of the workers, per the thirtieth and fortieth years. The staff of a newsreel remembers.
All country физкультурники. That parade or demonstration, all in майках and sports
The cowards. And стройными beside forward. And картинка on the TV, it will be more beautiful.
Is said is made. On all schools has passed перепись. Wrote down a clothing size. Е ё
You see it is necessary to buy. Then, probably, schoolboys in the sports cowards and have guessed, that
майках, spring, vigorously pass can not. Elementary will freeze. To give out alcohol
It was impossible for children, in that time, ещ ё. Not педагогично, and step in ranks and колонах
Will be disturbed. What to do(make). The output(exit), as always has found. Probably, someone has offered, time the cowards
And майки it is impossible to cancel. That is necessary to get them on a pair of the sizes more, and under them
Will be, that be warm, but certain colour. Have stopped, on black sports
рейтузах. Then they in general were only of two colours. Black and dark blue.
Have bought a new uniform. The rehearsals have begun. Learning речёвок. Маршировка. And many other things. As always it happens, all preparation was finished by general rehearsal. The party workers of all levels, have reported to each other.
Вс ё is ready. To start dearly stay in republic it is possible. Yes, and we have sighed a little.
There was last step. To pass under the prospectus Ш.Руставели, and вс ё. On houses.
Time of the tax, have nominated to six mornings. The station of the underground,, Исани, waited for us. But not
In a bottom, in a warm lobby. No, above. Penetrating spring wind, together with
Early побудкой, obviously did not add to us enthusiasm. How the parents, could not us
To send one in other area of city, also they were together with us. Have handed over us, to the teachers and have left to a place of the tax, celebratory колон.
The city, has stiffened in expectation. The humour both youth helped, only. And opportunity
To smoke, having run for a corner. The time of pass past of visitor, вс ё time varied. At last that
About twelve days, we is proud, with речёвками, have passed by a tribune. Dear Леонид
Ильич, was on distance of ten meters. Probably and him was not in pleasure to stand,
He was very sad and sad. And, most likely, as well as we wanted, what вс ё it
Was more quickly finished. On an instant, it seemed, that our eyes have met. That he
I was winked, by(with) a pier, itself I stand too. Keep. I to him encouraging have noded a head, and
Has passed by a tribune. It is more, we with Леонидом Ильичём did not see.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Take care. Before meetings.
The author Gorg. January. 2009.