Did not think, that will come to mention, this sacred for each man a theme.
In any country, on any continent, there are veterans of battle(dashing) actions. And attitude(relation)
To them on the part of the state and population, any other business. Yes, and the veterans too are be different.
Theme very painful(unhealthy), боязно it is a little to write. But to write who is necessary, in memory those
Has not returned. Who has given back life, protecting a native Land.
Our President, has decided(solved) to make a gift to the veterans. To the next holiday
Victories, the next year to allocate to each veteran an apartment. The state has decided(solved)
To show care, to give back дань of respect to the people, which by all life, have deserved
It. Low bow, and great gratitude by him(it), that they have made for Fatherland.
The question is not discussed at all, they have deserved it whether or not. I consider(count), that we in irredeemable
To duty to them. But … … ….. I not about these people. I about others.
Such gift on the part of the state, naked such омерзительные of the party
To our life, that simply I can about it write. You do not represent, that began
In the country. Huge quantity(amount) of the veterans, suddenly, steel бомжами. They have appeared
Without habitation. But it has appeared at children and native. Simply inattentively listened to the President. He, probably, expected such development of events. Therefore was said, that
Irrespective of, is жиль ё at the veterans, or it(him) no, вс ё equally to allocate. Them so
Remained a little. And it, I consider(count), that is fair. Has deserved, receive. Вс ё is correct.
But ….. Whether All have deserved. In what a question.
I remember in childhood, witness such stage. The bus. Is naturally overflowed.
Two veterans cost(stand). It is visible, that the not so close friends. Simply, probably, friends. One costs(stands) quietly, though in hands тросточка. And second, began to offend sitting
The woman. She has not conceded to him of a place. He shouted, about пролитой of blood. About wounds
. Then has passed to the insults. And here another has not sustained, worth near to it(him)
The participant of war. He has compressed lips, and has said. Be silent Сука. You all war, was on
Food warehouse, in rear. In our city. And the mum yours, sold stolen
Products to the neighbours. Silence. More that, has not uttered word.
There was it for a long time, but in memory has left a deep trace. And for myself I have made one conclusion.
Who shouts about пролитой most blood, that is most less е ё spilled. By the way,
Subsequently was repeatedly convinced of validity of these words. Everyone, probably
Can result set of examples describing our veterans, as
The modest, honour and decent(considerable) people.
Unfortunately, there are also return examples. And it concerns not only, veterans Great
Domestic War. I about the participants of battle(dashing) actions. Believe, I know, that I speak.
It happens, look, well the hero. Under Кандагаром, one, was at war with the whole army of the opponent,
Did not come yet our basic forces. And subsequently all service is found out, that
Has passed in a staff писарем.
Whence in us it. To receive that to us does not belong under the right. Respect, honour,
Privileges ….. You see, not a secret, that the basic part of the true heroes, has not returned from fields
Battles. They lay on fields of war, in brotherly tombs.
And ещ ё. Who can explain, such thing. At us that, won a Victory, only
бойцы. And, how to be with the workers of rear. And small children facing at machine tools. And the women in деревнях and villages, which have remained without мужиков, war you see have taken away all
. They you see worked since morning till night what to support ours бойцов. With them how to be,
With all. You see, for the sake of justice, I shall say, that their contribution to general(common) business, was not less.
But in comparison with the veterans, they have appeared are very strongly deprived of attention
Our state., whom up to tears should be insulting. In a song you see sing, that
Victory, at us one on all. Not зря such words there sound.
It turns out, now, who погорластее and нахальнее, that and tears to honour. Most
Interesting, that радеет such горлопан, only for itself. Destiny of other veterans,
It(him) does not interest. Or recollects, only then, when it is favourable.
Has written вс ё it, and so it became heavy on soul. By words to not pass. When speech
Comes about the veterans, always I recollect, one the grandfather. The old man, has reached Berlin.
Awards and the medals, which he was awarded with, laid at him(it) in a small box.
Was twice wounded. But he NEVER, did not leave in a jacket with the awards houses.
When we asked it(him) about it, he was silent. And only of his(its) spouse, has answered this
Question. To him, it appears, it was inconvenient and awkwardly. And suddenly people will think, that he
вырядился what to show all, with what he the hero. The grandfather it, for a long time already no in alive.
But the memory of him, till now in me lives. Low to him bow, from us living. Light
Memory to him. And all veterans. To the true veterans.
And you, that think, in this occasion.
And вс ё, that wanted to write.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. January. 2009.