One mine familiar, as has said. That the mankind is divided, on two
Categories. Those who changed, and those who hides, that changed. Whether so it? I do not think.
Though if to take in account, not only physical change, and ещ ё and change moral,
Then agree. About moral change, we shall not speak today. Let's talk,
About physical change. Well it, or is bad? Do not hurry up, to accuse me of such
To statement of a question. As I can in general so speak. Certainly, it is bad.
Agree. Poorly. But I ask to not hurry up with conclusions. I know, that I speak. Business,
вс ё that I have in view of, certain vital situation. Present, young
Family. Only have got married. Have played wedding. At them honey month. Вс ё goes well.
They, as the pigeons, will not admire against each other. But the nature, declares itself, as always,
The young woman, appears, in an interesting rule(situation). The family waits for addition.
The child should be born. All are glad, all are pleased. The problems do not force themselves to wait.
It is not enough to say, that this period in life of any woman, very complex(difficult). It means, nothing to say. Varies вс ё. Habits, character, appetite … … … About character, I
Any more I do not speak. The woman, not one. She already with the kid. Begins просыпаться,
Parent instinct. She carries the child, from the liked man.
I consider(count), that the woman has the right to expect, that е ё the close man, it understands.
At least, should understand. Вс ё should be subordinated to one. Correctly
To bear(take out), and safely to give rise the child. This main. And in realization of this purpose,
Both parents by all means should participate. So should be. But the life, as is usual,
Brings in the corrective amendments.
That the young husband does(makes). On the beginning, he begins to be angry. To him began to give less
Attention, than before. The wife, which, ещ ё recently, was quiet and покладистая, became
Nervous and whimsical. The problems with sex have begun. And with each day, his(its) discontent,
Begins to accrue. To sit, and to talk. On souls. But absence of vital experience,
Very much has an effect. To the young husband to not understand, that it(him) on former like. But now,
The main care at the wife to like the husband, was a little transformed. To her
It is necessary to divide love and warmly, into a two. On the spouse, and on the future child.
And in this, very difficult period, in life the woman, she receives, very painful(unhealthy) impact. I would name it, impact as a knife in a back. The husband, begins отдаляться.
And if to name things by the names, it is cowardly to run. Is huge
Quantity(amount) of the reasons what to not help the wife. He самоустраняется. Certainly, вс ё it,
Under very plausible pretexts. He(it) has a lot of businesses. As is known, nature, not
Suffers(bears) emptiness. The friends familiar … … he a first step to change.
Such men the extraneous women, feel on very large distance. At once, or
Not at once, but the change becomes the come to pass fact. The man, deceives itself by an idea, what is it temporarily, that it(him) have finished, that the wife … … And he, such good is guilty,
And fluffy.
And what the wife? The wife guesses. But her not up to проделок of the husband. At not ё now, on first
The plan, there is a child. Yes, her is very sick, and as to the man and, as to the woman. How much tears,
How much sleepless night. For what? She you see prepares to become the mother. To her you see very much
Difficultly. A pain, one pain.
But the life proceeds. Safely have passed роды. In family updating. All are pleased. Pleasures the sea. But believe, the insult on the husband, she, as заноза sits in female heart. Early or late, but husband the answer-back impact waits. No, it not because the woman,
Likes to change. Вс ё it is more complex(difficult). Yes, now he was corrected. Yes, he became the provisional husband.
Though, such and not always happens. But he has offended the woman, when е ё was very much and very much
Difficultly. When she was most defenceless. Such, does not say goodbye. Yes, and who is not enough in it
Admits. Early or late, the woman will change, even once. And her then becomes
More easy. She has revenged. The bill сравнялся. Whether this will proceed вендетта? It already,
When as. I do not know.
And now, say, положа a hand on heart. You can condemn the woman, which
Once will change to the husband, at such past. I at all do not like anybody to judge. I shall say,
Only one. I е ё understand.
You, how think?
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. January. 2010.