As is known, who does not want to feed own army, that early or late,
Will feed another's. Gold words. Only at us, for some reason about them have forgotten. Or do(make)
Kind, that do not remember. But today we shall talk not about it, there is another, I consider(count) very much
Even an important problem. That occurs to our army, can cause
Alarm, at the sane people. And it is correct. But … …
As always, there is, a word,, but, which spoils an iridescent picture, which
To us draws authority, ours liked. Listening about what lacks are necessary for correcting, that it is necessary to do(make), we overlook(forget), one simple, but very important
Thing. We overlook(forget), or we do not give to her значенья. And between that, all reforms, all измененья,
Will not be without е ё осмысленья, successful.
In what business? Who be, reflected, on a social component, ours
Armies. Who in her serves. Whose children, protect our rest and safety. What layers
Our society(community), represent, ours доблестные the defence counsels. I do not take, officer
Structure, our armed forces. No. We shall see, from what social layers, at us
The ordinary and сержантский structure. A picture, believe, very much depressing.
I not покривлю by soul, if I shall say, that at us the National Army is valid.
In her children of the usual, simple citizens serve. And, that, children of elite, at us do not go on an appeal. No, do not go. Elite, I have in a kind any. And military, including. But it is necessary,
For the sake of justice, to say, that the microscopic part of our army, вс ё consists
From children of elite. About what, this elite, always with pride likes to speak. But ….. If
To see more steadfastly, will find out, that they serve, basically in тёпленьких places. Those who served, know about it not by hearsay. One in казарме, and others in a staff,
Or in a food warehouse. I shall say on a secret, there too there is, an original sheet
About ranks.
Understand, it not envy. You simply think, that the state one, but to protect it(him), in case of danger, will really, выходцы from the simple people.
Agree, that is possible to result many reasons, why элитные children, should not go
To serve. And many from these answers, I shall take part. The clever heads, are necessary and on гражданке. And it
Correctly. But in first, whether all who остаётся on гражданке, has clever heads. You,
I think, that will not argue what to serve in our armies, there are whom was not found at,
Or there was no money what to give a bribe.
And everyone know about it. Esteem the newspapers, see the TV ….. That to us
It inform official mass media, it only seen
Part, top айсберга. Most dangerous, that about it those are fine informed, who
Goes to serve. They even know the sum, which, for example, have paid for familiar, that that would not be called., where таится the most important danger.
Represent, that is created in heads and souls of our guys. And now present, that will be, if the artful enemy will attack us. Whether everyone will be ready, to take
And to make a feat, protecting, so by them liked authority. They you see and about authority know not a little., how she cares of the citizens. Behind examples they should not go. An example at them at home. The alive parents, which the authority does not appreciate and does not care.
Word high, is good to speak with tribunes, but they are instantly broken about
Realities of life. The native land, it is good. But the guys remember also other words. And you remember
Probably. WE, THERE DID NOT SEND YOU. And now think, whether the reforms will help,
Armies, е ё modernization, if at not ё such structure. I any more do not take, other aspects. When
Younger officer structure, низведён up to a rule(situation) of the slaves. Though, on the TV, they
Regularly learn(find out), how of them cares or it is going to to make, by them is hot
Liked authority.
And us speak, that the reforms are necessary. I think, that no. They were necessary,
ещ ё yesterday. What today? Honourly I shall say. I do not know.
And you, that think in this occasion.
And вс ё, that wanted to write.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. Январь.2009.