Sometimes it seems, that вс ё occurring, it is with what that terrible dream. That it is necessary to open eyes, and вс ё will disappear. In this clause, I shall not concern the person of the general Власова. I want to talk about the friend. A name of the general I have taken for an example. That would be
More evidently. Me one question always interested. Why, for example, Максим Исаев, ours
The scout. And, the intelligence officer of the foreign state, is necessary the spy. You see
For the country, he will be the scout. Why, me from childhood told,
That Павлик of Frosts, it is the hero. That he has betraid the father, in a name of maximum ideals. And he is now found out, that not the hero, and mean мальчишка. Why, all heroes, which
Were at war for red, now became enemies of new Russia. And those with whom they were at war, now
Our rescuers. Now have reached and the general Власова. He was considered, that the traitor.
Let's consider(count) now, that he the hero. And where, truth? Really, who pays, that and reserves music. I think, that no. In life, there are values, which the ideologies thrust judgements … do not depend, from social building.. And if to proceed from them, вс ё becomes
On the places. Rest from crafty. It is possible very beautifully to justify a mean act,,
But from it nothing will change. The meanness(low act) remain by meanness(low act), but only in beautiful
To packing. Take, same Павлика Морозова. The pioneer the Hero. And if to reject
Ideology, the child is simple, which has made meanness(low act), in relation to the father
It is possible much to speak, that the washing of brains has played the role. But fact,
остаётся by the fact. The son has informed on the father. Was going to to not mention Власова, but it is visible
Will come. In the Soviet times, the general was considered as the traitor. Now, as though hero. But,
If to reject an ideological component, вс ё becomes on the places.
There is a war. The general of one of the parties, passes to the party of the opponent. It is an act,
Is called very simple, but capacious word. Treachery. If an act Власова to name on another, nothing will change. Treachery, остаётся by treachery.
Present, the authority in Russia has exchanged. And us will speak again, that red, it
The heroes, and white, are enemies. But you see such does not happen.
And here, on the foreground there should be a wisdom of the state. It is impossible to copy
History. She such, what is. Good or bad, it is a history of the country Е ё it is necessary
To know, in order to prevent mistakes in the future. You see in usual family, вс ё it happens. And quarrel, and
The conflicts. Are be both pleasure, and achievement. If you are abused by(with) the parents, to you suffices
Mind(wit) to not announce by their enemies. In life everyone happens. And in a history of any state.
There are light pages. And there are pages, which are is faster to be forgotten. But to overlook(forget)
Them it is not necessary. They are necessary for remembering. The desire of the political figures is clear, to delete
From consciousness of the people the inconvenient historical facts. And to prevent this, can only
One force. Intelligency. But only in the event that she is in a society(community). If she
The boldness is valid also to speak the people the truth. I am afraid, that at us, е ё no. Earlier, вс ё
Was justified by presence of censorship on the part of the state. Now, on the complete coil,
Other version of censorship works. Self-censorship. And she ещ ё is more more dangerous, than
Censorship on the part of the state. Alas, but it so. How to live further? On conscience. Yes, it
Difficultly. Yes, it is complex(difficult). But other output(exit) no. Differently, we can live before such time,
When, the murderers and насильников, can announce by the heroes. Certainly, having moved, under this business,
The appropriate ideological base. There would be an instruction(indication). And краснобаев, at us ещ ё very much
It is a lot of. By him(it) to not get used, it to be engaged. Experience in this business at them large.
And вс ё.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.