In circulation to a nation, our President has designated very many priorities.
It, certainly, very much pleases. I would say more, very much even encourages. Correctly, he
Has noticed, to move forward, so from all directions. And one of the main priorities, designates one, but main question. What the Internet, was in each house. Especially
In village глубинке. Always I am amazed, глобальности of thinking, our leader. He
Simply молодец. Ещ ё recently has sounded a task, about time zones, and here new purpose.
That here will say. With pride heart is filled. Ours that what. That thinks as.
Not that some. The sceptics and злопыхатели, truth, can say, that crisis ещ ё not
Was finished. That the means are necessary for saving. But recollect a saying. A dog
лают, and the caravan goes. Sirs - sceptics, you, that want to leave village areas without
The Internet. And if, for example, idle time, will be necessary for ours Russian доярке
To consult with the colleague foreign. And she can not. It already understand,
It is possible to qualify, as having undermined economic safety of the country. Let's not allow.
Or механизатор Иванов, wants to learn(find out) changes of a rate of dollar. What to check up,
Whether correctly his(its) chief reports before it(him), about the purchased fuel. And?
Also can not. It already indulgence of corruption, understand. The Internet on a village, is possible
To say, is vitally necessary. And only enemies of progress, can not it understand. But
With them, I think, that there will be a conversation short.
And what prospects open!!! This is terrible to think only. Think, that,
It чиновничество забеспокоилось. Now, it turns out, each village inhabitant, can
So, запросто to communicate with the President. How? You, what not in a rate. At our leader,
There is a personal page in the Internet. Yes. He at us formed(educated) very much. Goes, it is possible
To say in a leg in due course. Now it is possible, to go so, to talk. And inhabitants it is good,
And it is pleasant for the President. I in sense of statistics of visitings. He keeps abreast only.
That very much are afraid, different sort проходимцы of. Probably, it with such purpose also is planned. So-called всевидящее Око of the President. Then, not забалуешь. It is possible, certainly, but it will be inconvenient. Has sold the chapter of administration, for example, last
Working tractor. Had not time(was in time) home to reach, and the President вс ё already knows. Go, road,
Also that tomorrow tractor would stand on a place. What!!!
Some doubt. Whence there are computers to type a lot of(collect a lot of). That all would suffice.
The sirs … .Закупим for бугром. Let's bring. Behind it the business does not become. Do not experience, all
Will suffice. And, as to the computer letter. Know, to study, never late.
I present, as доярка the aunt Клава, runs after evening дойки, to study be
By the competent user of the personal computer., Гриша, watchman with dairy
Farms already two letters, to our leader has written. And I, that am worse.
So, there is not enough помалу and we shall master this mysterious, at the beginning unit. Remember, when,
First доильный the device was established by(with) the guys, from райцентра. How much to fear that, was.
And, as the cows worried. Anything. Have studied. When it is necessary and repaired. That, we
More silly others. There is no, a librarian ours, Галину Петровну, we shall call. She clever,
Very much. She in city studied on rates. At not ё on a working table, large calculator
Lays. Behind us, the business does not become. We to all ability have. Main, what wires,
From poles were not gone.
I think, that is valid, вс ё at us it will turn out. And, undoubtedly, rights our President.
It is necessary to form the people.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say.
And you, that think, in this occasion.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.