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С 29.11.09

Not fact...


 The personal weapon. Personal safety. A part second.

 In the first part, we have considered the problem, concerning distribution of the weapon to the population.
As it to make correctly, whether by all to give out etc. And today, let's talk, about that,
Why the authority, is afraid, that the population of the country would be armed.
         So, present, such situation. Usual family living in a usual apartment.
Night. Two отморозка, armed, ломятся to the peacefully sleeping citizens. Usual
Armed assault with a robbery. As who can them stop. Agree. The owner
Apartments. It is a lot of at him(it) of chances? I do not think. And now present, that at him(it) in the safe,
The weapon is stored(kept). If chances at the robbers? Zero. To defend in an apartment it is easier,
Than to take е ё by storm. And пальба noisy, to the robbers is not necessary. But here is, ещ ё
One very main moment. The prevented crimes. You see it is not known, whether is
In an apartment the weapon whether or not. And if is. Whether all from the robbers will go under a bullet. I think,
What not all.
    And such examples, it is possible to result set. It is possible, certainly to object, that
Quantity(amount) of household crimes on household ground, with application fire
The weapon will increase. Question at issue, if will be correctly organized control for
By distribution of the weapon. But then why, these comrades are not excited, with that huge
Quantity(amount) of the lost people, the opportunities had no to be protected from armed
Criminals. When on the one hand in hands at criminal weapon, and with another, in
The best case палка. Why such injustice. Probably because, that one
The legislative citizens, and others, with the law are not friends. But victim from it
Not more easy. You see not зря speak, that the weapon equalizes in the rights. Whether there will be cases, when
There will be an excess of a necessary defense, at application of the weapon. For certain
Will be. Has broken from the grandfather a cap, has run, and grandfather, former фронтовик, for insult
Has sent the villain a bullet in a back. Before to condemn the grandfather, which, certainly
Has exceeded limits of a necessary defense, be set by other question. Whether asked
The grandfather to break from him(it) a cap. How much potential fans(amateurs) of another's goods
Will think before to plunder the passers - by. I consider(count), that much. Will be, so-called
Parity. When one of the parties, will calm down, were afraid to run on adequate отпор.
    Whether Вс ё will be smoothly. No, certainly. Whether Вс ё now smoothly. No. But I consider(count), that it is worse
Will not be. Represent, what help to law-enforcement bodies. Why,
Then the authority does not understand such obvious things. Really she so worries,
That we would not shoot down each other. Блажен, who believes. She is quiet, sends
On death of the untrained boys, and you speak, that she worries about us. Then, in
Than business. Вс ё it is simple. All who is now armed, not the opponents of authority. Even криминал.
   And population, it absolutely other business. Especially population, with which authority
Spends every possible experiments. The population, which the authority, constantly gathers.
The authority is afraid, that the population having on hands the weapon, in searches of validity,
Will turn this weapon against authority. The main reason. Вс ё rest, from crafty.
   But it is a parameter of weakness of authority. She simply is afraid. Strong authority, on that she,
And strong, decides(solves) all problems together with the citizens. And as differently. Another
Business, when the authority offends the people, she is afraid, that when be, the patience at the population will be finished. It is simple a matter of time.
   The authority well has acquired lessons классиков марксизма-ленинизма. But probably not up to the end.
They are terribly far from the people. It concerns and to our days, though were written
These lines very much for a long time.
   Has written, вс ё it, and became very sad. It is necessary on today to finish. Whether there is an output(exit)?
By reason I understand, that no. And heart предательски whispers, that is. Whom to believe?
  And you, how think?
And вс ё.

I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.

 The author will be grateful, for your comments.

The author Gorg. December. 2009.

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