Say, well and theme has chosen. Do not hurry up. A theme, on my sight, most, that
On is наиглавнейшая. Ещ ё during far students, from time to time
Arose philosophical диспуты. Whether it is necessary to permit(solve) to the population of the country, to have the right
On ношение of the weapon. But then, вс ё rested against personal safety. Give, on
прошествии of time, we shall look at this problem, it is a little bit wider.
There are some points of view, on this question. One stand up what not
To permit under any by a pretext, population to have the weapon in personal usage.
Argument at them one. If we with you on hands will have weapon, we it is simple
Let's shoot down each other. Very disputable, on my sight, argument, and we to it(him), ещ ё
Let's return. The following point of view, means complete freedom in this question.
Has wanted, has gone, has bought. We е ё shall not consider(examine), as I consider(count) е ё simply
Provocative. The true, as always, usually is in the middle. And here
The variants are possible(probable). One offer, to not permit to have fire-arms,
And in exchange offer to permit(solve) травматическое. Others offer to permit(solve), but with
By such quantity(amount) of clauses, that will receive it(him) is simply unreal.
While, we do not consider(examine) a question, what for it is necessary for the population. It will be,
Hardly later. We look at this question, in the plan to permit or to forbid.
To give or to not give, and what for it population is necessary, is different things, though between
By itself and interconnected. So, we shall begin. That we have.
The weapon is at imperous structures. The representatives of authority, have the personal weapon.
The criminal structures, have the weapon. Business, on behalf of security structures, too
Is armed. Actually, on the country it is a lot of. It(him) no, only at the population of the country.
The separate comrades - sirs not in the bill, this exception faster, than rule. Most, I consider(count), impudent answer, it when authority, speaks to the population. And what for, you, weapon?
There are structures, which should you protect. Yes, not вс ё it turns out, by way of protection,
But they work above it. Is creditable, certainly, that these structures work, but
The protection, is necessary here both now. And in general, let, to set a question. Why, it is possible.
And it is impossible for the population. Who so has decided(solved). Under what right. You see all people are initially equal.
You say, well it is good, and that you offer. Let go and buy? No
Certainly. Yours obedient the servant, ещ ё in senses and at memory. What for утрировать. Вс ё
It is possible to make simply and beautifully. There would be a desire and political will. The man,
Which has decided(solved) to have fire-arms in personal usage, owes initially
To know, one simple thing. Anybody, I repeat, nobody in the right to forbid to him, it.
But ….. It is necessary to him, for the beginning to pass a medical commission, that the public would know, that he is mentally healthy. We go further. If you get
The automobile, for the beginning, you should be able, even go by him. Logically?
I think, what yes. So, you are mentally healthy. Perfectly. Go, and enter the name on
Rates, where you will learn to shoot. The great sniper from you can and will fail, but
At least, you will know, how the weapon to hold in a hand. I joke, certainly. Having
The automobile, man has garage. The place, where the machine will be in safety. Besides
ношения, it will be necessary to you the weapon to store(keep) houses. Establish the safe. Вс ё.
Write the application in a body, which will give out the sanction, let even it
Will be МВД. But your reference(manipulation) in this body, should carry заявительный character.
You do not ask authority, you to permit(solve) to get the weapon. No. You, mentally
The healthy man, which has passed shooting rates, has established the safe for a storage,
Simply put authority in popularity, that will get the weapon. Agree, what not all
Can pass rates on shooting and reference(manipulation) with the weapon. But excuse, such people
It is simply dangerous to give in hands the weapon. And itself will not protect, and extraneous покалечат.
And вс ё with the first question. And what for to population to have the weapon, we shall consider
In the second part of clause.
And you, what think in this occasion?
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.