When I hear or I read, about bashfulness of the women,, how usually I smile.
On my sight, it very strong exaggeration. No, the speech does not go that
The woman, should be sexually anxious. I not about it. Though, meet
And such women, which this concern demonstrate. Business in the friend.
Frequently, hear from the men, that the woman, is very modest and is chaste,
And he could not show itself(himself) to the full. By him(it) to not understand, what even for severe, strict,
Cultured, appearance, can disappear hot Кармен. And, as differently.
The men, probably, think, that the woman herself will offer affinity. Itself will offer
To reject reserves. Ага, now. In any case, the first step should be,
Behind the man. And ещ ё, say, what sane woman, against normal
Affinity. Absurdity. Simply, she waits for the initiative from the man. And at times it seems to us,,
That the woman is modest, is bashful, well as to her to offer to lead(carry out) night, for example.
She, can send подальше, at the best. Can. And can and not send.
But it to a word. You see and esteem discussion on female forums, in
The Internet. Where, you see bashfulness. The simply @ indecision, men
It is very favourable to explain by this reason. So it is convenient. You see, who from the men is not enough,
Understands one subtlety. The woman, same people, as well as we, man. With only one
By difference. They the woman. But … … …
It is necessary to have in view of, that in one man, I have in view of the woman, there are two
половинки. One половинка, is the woman, as the Man. And second половинка-woman.
Половинка, as the Man can be allocated all добродетелями. And it, in general(common) that
Normally. And second половинка, is the Woman. And it вс ё is said.
Think, the grey mouses (yes will be excused me by(with) they, for such name) do not want to be
Hot and desired. Be mistaken. Ещ ё, as want. But they will not shout about
It, at all corners. It seems to the men, that they are shipped in the job, what is it
Very dry особы. They could not be woken. Understand, female beginning, it is possible
пригасить. Everyone in life happens. But to kill finally, it is impossible.
It is a lot of examples in life, when meet the woman. Everyone are perplexed. As,
It is possible with her in general to meet. It is a cracker, pedant. Except for, as about the job,
And to think of anything does not think. By him(it) to not understand, that under this layer, disappears, whole
Volcano of passions. It happens, everyone consider(count) the woman cold special. Are afraid, even, not that that
Affinity to offer, simply to meet. And she, such. She first will not say. She
Simply waits. When the normal man will appear.
I shall say ещ ё, that. Unfortunately, recently there were very few men. No,
I not in sense of the people of a male, which carry брюки. There is in view of, absolutely another.
As well as the women, have two половинки and at the men. One the half - man. And second
Half - самец. So, became a little самцов. There were few men capable to make
Acts. It is possible to say, what not by sex uniform the man is alive. To say that it is possible. But
At life the laws.
And if to ask the women. You like бесполые essences naming
By the men? Let he is three times good, as the man. But if in him, inside does not sit самец,
That it already reminds, most likely, friendship. You see, I consider(count), that main, it to wake
In the woman, Woman. That at not ё of an eye would shine. What she by each section
The bodies, were felt, that by(with) she the woman. Е ё want, е ё like and adore.
But the perfect, good, kind man, if in him inside does not sit самец, it
Make can not. And then ….. What then? The woman will be dry, bashful, cold.
And the man can with pure(clean) conscience say. And, that with not ё to take. She is cold, as
Айсберг. And невдомёк to him, that a problem not in her. And in him.
And you, that think.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.