Today, theme, well very delicate. I present, as this clause, покоробит
Thin, ранимую soul, some comrades - misters. Long decided(solved) for itself. It is necessary
To lift this question, whether or not. And main, whether the people will understand, which will read this
Clause, true reasons, е ё of a spelling. You see it is easier to hide a head in sand. Easier
To pretend, that with it we do not have problems. Easier, easier, it is easier ….
The lovely women. I very much like all of you. Very much. To you gets in life … so much.
Simply I want to you to say, that I understand you in this question. And men to say only one word. It is a shame, мужики.
So, history of a question. I shall try to do without, without заумных of the terms. Simply, we with you
We sit, and we talk on souls. All of us come from childhood. And when we were children,
The draft to knowledge, resulted us in comprehension, sexual accessory(belonging). Further,
It is more. We began to be interested in an opposite floor. The following stage,
Through which passed both boys, and the girls, are teenage онанизм. This stage,
Passed all. And anything in it постыдного no. When I hear, that someone перешагнул,
Through this stage, and at once has stepped in adult life, I smile. Though it is necessary
грустить. If the man врет, not recognizing obvious, this one. And if it is valid
So, that, in my opinion, is latent маньяк. Represent, what spring compressed,
At him(it) inside. A question, when she will unclench. And where this energy will be directed.
But we shall proceed(pass) in adult life. Let's see, that forces adult
The woman to be engaged мастурбацией. For the beginning, I shall state the point of view. If
To ask, who is guilty, I shall say directly and honourly. We, man.
If, someone considers(counts), that онанизмом, the unmarried women, or are engaged, only
Woman with physical deviations(rejections), he is mistaken. And and is strong. Believe,
In self-satisfaction, the very large number of the married women is engaged also. I think, that
Not from good life. The reasons, much. Agree, there are different temperaments. Yes,
I do not argue, that the man ослабли. I admit, that many men, behave in life
So, that already for a long time are not sexual object. Add here, low letter
Sexual. Алкоголизм, наркомания. It is a lot of the reasons. But I think, that to the women from it
Not more easy. I understand, that to the men it is more difficult, than women. At him(it) the body should be
In readiness. It is physical aspect. In this plan, woman it is easier. But … …
Main, about what all men overlook(forget) almost, this another. The woman, should be
Morally, is ready to sex. And it I to you shall say, much more difficultly, than filling
пещеристых of bodies in детородном a body at the man. Whether and many women, husbands native,
Prepare for sex. By behaviour, attitude(relation) to family, to children, to her.
I consciously do not take clinical deviations(rejections), at both parties. I examine(consider), simply,
Usual family. Present a situation. The husband comes home. Sometimes навеселе. Evening.
Ate on kitchen. A sofa. The TV, or computer. Pair of phrases, with children. Supper.
The stories, about job or friends. With obligatory underlining(emphasis), importance
In происходившем. Preparation for dream. Fast sex. Tomorrow, early to rise. Somebody,
From the men, reflects, at these moments, that on soul at the woman. Say, such, about
Preparation. He, and words such does not know. And it not fault it(him), and trouble, under the large bill.
And, what to do(make) to the woman. For whom to ask of the help, or advice(council). At the girlfriend? But, theme,
Is sick, delicate. At the husband? Yes, such variant is possible(probable) also. But, only, if in family,
There were, warm, confidential attitudes(relations). There are, such families. But, whether it is a lot of them?
, one output(exit) also turns out, that остаётся to the woman. To wait, while the spouse will fall asleep,
To turn on a side, and to engage мастурбацией. Someone will say, that is possible to get(start) in
Such case, любовника. It is possible. But, not everyone can to themselves it allow, by virtue of a number(line)
The reasons. And, I shall open, small secret. Любовник, basically, подпитывает the woman,
Not there is a lot of by sexual energy, though also by her(it) too, how much sincere. He sees, or
Pretends, that sees, in the woman - woman., that does not suffice more only, ours
To the women. And it, already, completely fault of the men.
Very(very much), shall say, even, everywhere, is distributed consumer attitude(relation) to
To the woman. You say, and and here, мастурбация. Yes, вс ё it, parts of one circuit.
That, ещ ё to her остаётся to do(make). To the mature, juicy woman. When sexual energy,
Does not find an output(exit). Ещ ё to anybody, it was not possible to win зов of a nature. The people, and you
Did not reflect, on every possible diseases at the women. You see, организм, and all it(him)
The bodies, should work. Вс ё is interconnected. And mental frustration? When we
We hear, that at the woman, bad character, that we think first of all. We
We award the woman, different epithets. Most harmless, from which, is the Snake.
Somebody, reflected, why, she became such. I shall answer. And from what, her to be pleased.
Also see, at the satisfied woman. There is a difference? Certainly, not вс ё so it is simple
To consider, within the framework of clause. Agree. But, I think, that the basic questions, it was possible to me
To designate. At least, I have tried.
In the conclusion, I want to say. The woman. I understand you. I sympathize. And all soul,
I wish, what near to you, was the present man. And if it(him) no, number(line)? Then,
остаётся, old, checked up way. To turn, on a side, and … … … Lovely, mine, you
вс ё in this life, have got used to do(make). You, strong. You, weak. You, not my reproach, all
To the men.
And вс ё.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. October. 2009.