If it is honour. Does not get acquainted. Already have met? Poorly. Tear the attitudes(relation).
When we hear such advice(councils), we condemn advising, and at once we speak
Word, which вс ё justifies. Love. Agree. But so is not right advising.
He is not right only in one. Ungrateful(thankless) this business to give advice(councils). But sometimes
It is necessary.
So let's soberly see at a thing. Statistics a thing obstinate. A small part
The married men throw family, for the sake of любовницы. I do not argue, throw. But …..
If it has not taken place in the time, nearest(coming) after acquaintance, is included
Man's egoism. In what he is expressed? The man changes, he begins to feel
Itself by the sultan. Only it is honour, well than the situation is bad for him(it). At him(it) is spare
Air station. Unless it is bad. Well. Conveniently. It is temptation. It(him) not everyone will sustain. And he
Begins to balance. The wife to throw. And if with new любовью will not develop. Then
Back is asked back. And if not will accept. To throw new love, and if with the wife not
Develops. And so there is a choice. Only it is necessary to you. To listen about identical
Fairy tales. Children will grow up. Then I shall throw the wife, and we shall be together. She sick, as I can
е ё at such moment to throw. And it would be desirable to say. See at nobleness. To change
To the wife it is normal, and to throw there is a meanness(low act). You can add and others
Excuses. We what, we very much are afraid of changes. The wife of a house. Любовница is. That
ещ ё it is necessary. Conveniently. And you will listen to fairy tales. The material help from the party
Man it is good, but there are such copies, from which there is more harm than advantage(benefit).
If you hope, that любовью you create a miracle and he will come to you, you
Be mistaken. If the love is valid, he should itself say to the wife, that likes
Another, развестись and to reach you. At least, so act normal
мужики, which can not live in lie. So the repeated marriages(spoilage) turn out. But clause
Not about them. Rest to you not видать. To me is ridiculous when these тихушники nominate date
Leaving(care) from the wife. Approximately as the chairman of collective farm. A field засеем and then ….
And after sowing there are new reasons. Let's collect a crop and then … .Артисты!
Regret(pity) itself, close. Some women from for such тихушников
Lose life. Only from that he very convincingly plays the role. Say, and if not plays. If really likes. So if likes let marries, instead of
Tells fairy tales about sincere терзаниях. Say sharply has said. Situations
Different are be. Not sharply. Instead of it is a pity the woman, which all life waits for this Actor.
She you see could, having remained without it тихушника to create family, to give rise children and to live
The life is happy and it is good. No, to her get of periodic caress and причитания liked, as it is morally bad. And such ещ ё pity(regret). I any more do not speak about ещ ё one party, the wife ours Казановы .Ей probably is sweet. The woman зрячие. They
By heart feel.
Therefore I also advise. With married,.
But the life brings in the corrective amendments. We know, that the smoking is harmful, but we smoke.
At all not smoking sometimes, so it would be desirable to poison сигареткой. Only they hide it.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.