So, that it. A trade? An image of life? And the condition of soul can? Probably, вс ё together.
To say, that альфонс does not understand, that does(makes). No. He fine understands. To say, that he is silly, and
Is short-sighted. No, he is very clever. Simply, he converts the advantages, in material
The boons. But you see the man does not become альфонсом suddenly. No, certainly. It is process long.
When speak, that the life has forced, I do not believe. If it was so. Actually, альфонсы
Occur, when there is a nutritious environment(Wednesday). But it not Деточкин, which, money from sale
Automobiles translated in children's houses. At, though what that the idea was. And at альфонса е ё no.
When they speak, about what that мести to the women, is an excuse and self-justification. So to say
Idea. Actually it is simple the parasite, which does not want to work. What for to work, when is
The rich aunts ready to pay. The fisherman, fisherman sees from apart. Simply it would be desirable for the aunts, then large
And light love. And here, just conflict of interests. Альфонсу it is not necessary. The aunts take offence,
Some begin to accuse альфонса, of all mortal sins. I consider(count), that both are good. Simply
To buy the body is possible, but soul practically it is impossible. Альфонсы, they too different. I them
Would divide(share) into two categories. One прожигают money, not thinking, about tomorrow's day. And others,
Little bit more cleverly. Вс ё postpone in кубышечку. They have inspired themselves, that, having collected the certain sum,
Become the normal people. I assure you, do not become. Does not happen so in life, what living not on
Conscience, then to close this page, and to begin to live honourly and happily. You say, and woman?
At the women, it on another is called. And I not the judge to judge the women. On any other business at them life
Develops. I very much like them and I sympathize always. It is heavier in life, than men. The man
альфонсы, people, not offended by destiny. It is very clever, artful and artful creations. They
Very much эрудированны, it is simple the angels in flesh. Such at once also will not define(determine). In it that and кроется
Danger. I admit, that some women, on simplicity sincere begin осыпать альфонса
By the boons. But I do not believe, that they such наивные. Вс ё they fine understand. But pretend, it is necessary
To observe what that of reserve. But when альфонс does(makes) legs, to richer aunt ….
Here also there comes, enlightenment,. Simply there is a demand, there is also offer. The aunt fine understands,
That she buys it кавалера. And then, she with a female spontaneity pretends, what not
Remembers. Other business, that to each woman, and supplied, including, would be desirable normal
бабьего of happiness. That a number(line) would be not слюнтяй, and normal мужик. But … These strings female
Souls, just also uses альфонс. So залезет in soul, what even skilled стервы come across.
Альфонсы, it is the born actors. Other time such performances play, that Станиславский
Has a rest. And their skill, with years only grows. And that the aunts. You see the truth, well not always she
Is guilty, that is financially supplied. Not always financially supplied woman стерва.
No, certainly. Simply she, probably, has nobody to explain, that at the night, in club, difficultly to find to herself
Prince. What in club the bad people go? No. Simply there go to have a rest, to come off on complete.
Go, what it is a little to leave(abandon) ours not a cheerful reality. The club, it not that place, where is necessary
To search for prince. It is better to see around of itself. And what to do(make), if around серость? And here he
Prince on white коне. Well in first around not one серость, is of time. And in second, at some
тётушек such criteria … And it would be desirable to say, ГЛУПЕНЬКИЕ, such men do not happen. Can
Criteria to change. Ан, no. I want prince and вс ё here. And he and prince, skips on коне. As here
To resist(stand). Раздолье for альфонса. Untouched edge(territory) of job up to the pension.
What to say to the women? That here will say. Be vigilant, more cleverly, more artfully, is more resourceful, than
The opponent. In this opposition, I on your party. Why? Yes because you the Woman.
And вс ё.
I do not say goodbye. Take care. Before meetings.
The author Gorg. Сентябрь.2009.