In clause,, Square Малевича, I already concerned such question, as стадность and стереотипность ours
Thinking. Today let's consider model of the world, in which all of us live. To which have got used.
Model, which, in general(common), it seems, to us another and be can not. Whether so it? Let's to look.
In what there will be a singularity of our viewing? And in what.
For the beginning we shall present, that we have not the states, and small manors. As in olden time at the landowners.
Also shall consider(count), for example, that at us no state France, and is manor, in which lives Жан with
By the family. Proceeding from our assumption instead of the state Germany, we have manor
In which lives Ганс. The manor, in which lives Иван. And so on. The quantity(amount) of manors is equal
To quantity(amount) of the states on our planet. The quantity(amount) of the inhabitants of each manor is comparable to quantity(amount)
The inhabitants of the state, only in reduced scale. Territory of manors we correlate to territory
The states. We have received model of the world in reduced scale. What is it us gives? And that.
We have received small on volume the world. In this world lives Ганс, Поль, Иван, Джон, Мамед … …..
And at everyone the character, features, mentality. The borders with him(it) are replaced with a fence. Whom
The destiny has sent with that, and live on a neighbourhood. Swear, are reconciled, in general(common), usual life of the people.
So after such simplifications it is possible safely to speak, as each state has character.
Вс ё as at the people. And this character does not vary with current of time. The small changes occur, but
As to the basic features, they remain constant. Let's take, for example, Ганса, yes will excuse me
немцы. He as was always aggressive those he and остаётся. It if to look large historical
Piece. Yes, now Ганс is quiet. Simply after fight with the neighbours the time is necessary for him what to reach
In itself. There are states, which live in themselves, nobody touch. And it during all
Histories. Вс ё as in life. Вс ё as at the people. Возьмём manor, where lives Иван. About such people speak,
Sober, man by the man. And as will have a drink, such gets up. It is certainly figurative. But Russia it is better
To not touch, she you see can назло to the neighbour уши to herself freeze. Джон, it рубаха парень. At him(it) вс ё
It should be beautiful. Even to beat морду to whom that there was he always will leave in a hat and ковбойских
Boots. Абрам can also itself подраться, but better look from the party, as дерутся his(its) potential
Enemies. Вс ё it has settled. The neighbours basically know, that is possible from each other to expect. There are authorities. And the life goes by the turn. But … … … … ….
There is among these guys one парень. Quiet. In scandals and заварухи tries to not get involved. Why? Yes artful and clever he very much. They consider(count) Джон and Иван, that the kings. Let consider(count). It is a pity
Whether that. He would live like as detached. Ploughs, сеет, the steel cooks, to space flies. In general(common), has at
Itself вс ё, that have Джон and Иван. But only especially does not shout about it. He follows a rule, do not pull,
Not суетись, and by you will carry by a corpse of your enemy. Have not guessed whom it I? Yes, Whether it is the kid.
At heart he very aggressive, but same and artful. You will say, that it(him) too offended. Yes, offended.
But he has taken lessons. Though more he certainly offended. There is an impression, that all on former
Whether consider(count), kid. Or do not want to see, that the kid that ours has grown up. What not Джон, not Иван, are
By the kings. And king it is imperceptible, is silent and without vanity, Whether there was a kid. Yes, and with what he the kid. It already faster
The young man, complete forces and ambitions. Is thought, that he is speed(faster) them will show to the full. Though such feeling, that
To change that - that in the ratio of forces, already late. An output(exit)? And output(exit) one. Soberly to estimate conditions, and
To accept the whole complex of anticipatory measures. Say it a fantasy. I do not know, I do not know. You see,
Whether recently and Иван, spent joint training. Showed to each other muscles. Smiled.
Trainings, these guys basically spend in territory of manor Ивана. It nothing reminds to you?
It already when - that was. At military, such things are called, acquaintance with prospective theatre
Forthcoming actions. Рогатки we are bought, Whether by(with) the kid. A familiar picture. We saw it already where - that.
Question in the friend, when this the young man, will declare about the domination. And how he will make it. Whether
Loudly and effectively, whether is quiet. For now, all other guys, are going to, decide(solve) problems, think.
Who - has thrown that an idea. Will suffice, натерпелись. Now of kings will be much. Notice, Whether ours, especially
Does not argue. Smiles, nods, agrees. But nobody knows, that at him(it) in a head. Not for this purpose he grows and
мужал what to not use сво ё the superiority. On whom he first will show force? Whether also force.
It can there will be that - that another. Is thought, Whether that ещ ё was defined(determined) itself. Probably, it will depend
From concrete circumstances. Can, will try to look from the party, as the guys will be left on fists.
And he then beautifully will leave and will take away шалунов. Who will show, in a settlement the owner.
Why I have written it вс ё? Why so is simplified told about серьёзных things. In first so to me
It seems, more easy to understand. And in - second, why that China estimate, basically from economic positions.
Also overlook(forget), that he can become such world(global) leader, that will not seem a little. Is going did not result
In clause of any parameters. Though if to see at them, the situation will be ещ ё by more disturbing.
And вс ё.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. Сентябрь.2009.