Recently has met familiar, which came on a site, and read my clauses. Read, can
Not all. It is a lot of clauses, more to than thirty. Familiar has told, that clauses, what that wrong, that
Such in life does not happen. His(its) discontent is especial, have caused clauses about sex. I understand,
That in the country of sex is not present. But then whence children occur. Children are, and sex is not present. This
The former party worker, and has not changed. But the life she(it) is stronger than any dogmas.
So this clause was born.
Why in white gloves? Yes because when I begin to write, that at the night all reserves
Should disappear, the hypocrites run in ступор. When I write, that sex, this ONE of main
Making family life, they are ready to be sufficed for a pistol. If I speak, that in sex
There should not be interdictions, they are ready me to hang up. But most important, they do not hear, or
Do not want to hear, that at all thus, I always emphasize one very important thing.
Вс ё it when is two fond hearts two native souls. When the close people trust
Each other. Them does not reach what to deprive itself and favourite man of pleasures of affinity,
ещ ё it is worse and постыднее, than hypocrisy. Second time to live life, ещ ё it was possible to nobody.
If to follow logic of the hypocrites and other judges of morals, all process of affinity, owes
To pass approximately so. Утрирую it is a little, certainly.
Evening. The family sits at the TV set. Time to sleep. Amicably we go in a bedroom. By first undresses
The woman. By second the husband, previously having switched off everywhere on the house light removes clothes. Ложатся.
It(he) asks. Whether it is possible to execute a matrimonial duty. Having received the positive answer,
Begins. During execution(performance) of the matrimonial debt, wife names, is exclusively(extreme) on
Name and patronymic. All arising, valid зова of a nature, sounds and desires to improvisation,
Extinguish on a root. And both. Having finished execution(performance) of the matrimonial debt, express the friend, friend
Words of gratitude. Are amicably embraced and fall asleep.
Ridiculously? Is not present. Bitterly. And you see most surprising, approximately, so вс ё also occurs. By years.
And you see невдомёк, that there is other sex. Normal, human, such, with what it(he) also owes
To be. And why is asked, only in a bedroom. Why it is impossible to grasp the woman, for example
On kitchen. And to use instead of a bed, other improvised elements of furniture. It I to a word.
Why it is impossible to experiment. Who has forbidden? The hypocrite? Yes send they. They and so very much
Poison to the people life in day time time much. Only to two to decide(solve), how, and what to do(make).
But there are small subtleties. To decide(solve), it is necessary to them, but ещ ё and to know, what exactly to decide(solve). Me for a long time,
In бытность ещ ё by the student, have accused of one thing. Business that during execution(performance)
The man's duties, I use not normative lexicon. So it turns out.
Probably nature prompts. But … … ….
Considered(counted) and I consider(count). Second половинка consists of two people. One, is the favourite Man, woman,
From the large letter. It is the friend, the assistant … Вс ё, that want. And night …..
It любовница, самка …. And not because it would be desirable to humiliate the woman. Is not present. I very much love and
I respect the women. It is simple, when we go in a bedroom, it is necessary to cease to see in the woman
The man, and to begin to see the Woman. It is complex(difficult). But it is possible. When speak, that the women
Are bashful in the essence, I smile. Yes, day, in public, the woman should be modest and
Decent(considerable). But with approach of night, when остаёшься alone with close to heart by the man,
It is necessary simply become the woman. There are things, in which the correct wives, do not admit, even as best
To the girlfriends. When in the imaginations, she(it) wants, what е ё изнасиловали. Roughly, with lexicon
Appropriate. Why насильником there can not be a close man. Only in one
Case, when there is no trust. When both, why, hesitate to seem dissolute. To completeness.
The nature ещ ё to nobody managed to be deceived. And that who tries, she(it) revenges by the broken families.
You see as a matter of fact, man it самец, and woman самка. Вс ё. Rest from crafty.
When I speak about изнасиловании, it does not mean, that is necessary to be engaged мазохизмом. Is not present.
Simply we very little in sex use force of a word. Let and матерного. And how many we lose
From it. Much. I want at once to tell. With brains at me вс ё in the order. The concern was,
But only in teenage age. The problems with mentality, same are not present. Simply, you agree with these
By judgements, whether or not, but the fact takes place in our life. Why we are afraid even ours
Native bodies to name how they were named by(with) our ancestors. By the name. Why certificate(act), we not
We can name how it(he) and refers to as. One self-restriction, second, third and as a result
Some do not understand, why as that пресно вс ё. If to take for an example one woman and one
The man. The first night, without use of strong words. Second, with the removed(taken off) brakes.
They I think, both recognize, that the second night was better. Tell, that it is delirium. This your opinion.
I respect it(him). It is visible виднее. But that you so consider(count), the fact will not cease to take place.
And вс ё. If these lines whom that have helped with comprehension of this party of the attitudes(relations), I shall be
Only is glad.
To all morals campaigners is devoted.
I am not forgiven. Protect itself. Before meetings.
The author Gorg. Сентябрь.2009