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С 29.11.09

Man and Woman


     With age there comes experience and sexual powerlessness.

This phrase very much loves to repeat mine good familiar. In what that I with it(him) agree,
   In what that is not present. So, we shall talk about sexual powerlessness. A urgent theme? Not that word. Simply
   We very much like, to bypass by the party and to ignore inconvenient themes. We are afraid to pass
   Dissolute. But it is better to be considered dissolute, than to be the hypocrite and ostrich hiding
  Head in sand. Though, that in it dissolute, I do not understand. We what, are not made multiple copies? Or
  Everyone consider(count), that children are brought by(with) storks. Смею you to assure, that this beautiful bird
  Children does not bring. Children turn out at participation the man and woman. So, what
  The process has managed, both parties, should correspond(meet). And sexual powerlessness, just, well
  Very much prevents this conformity.
     By this illness, on my sight, last time suffers very most part man's
  The population. Exact figure nobody will give, but it is a lot of. A question you see very delicate,
  Is sick fragile on vanity of a strong half of mankind. But time there is a problem,
  Means, е ё it is necessary to decide(solve). Найду time, necessarily I shall lay out very good, checked up
  The recipe, in section advice(councils) from Gorga. The recipe creates miracles. But we shall go further. Man, in
  The plan of treatment, people lazy and cowardly. On myself I know. I three days was going дёргать a tooth.
     Has written clause, about a campaign to стоматологу later. And here not a tooth. Here main calibre.
  Last pleasure so to tell. Force of a nation. Генофонд.
    Also present, the problem has appeared. I shall not be mistaken, if I shall tell, that the man will hesitate
 е ё to decide(solve). Will pull up to победного of the end. More correctly up to a complete victory of illness. And that family.
    If in family it is possible to decide(solve) love, and attitude(relation), as at the native people, only together
 This question. But tell, much at us of families, where reigns trust and love. That same.
    Also begins отлынивание from matrimonial объязаностей. Occur various
 хобби, enthusiasmes connected to absence from a house. And the atmosphere in family is heated. And as
 To it(her) to not be heated, if the wife to the husband in the sheet puts one truancies. Scandals неминуемы.
    Concerning and without an occasion. The nature requires(demands) сво ё. Take out and put. But also in this case, output(exit)
  Is. To address to the doctor. Here not before constraint. Time the wife not the assistant, be rescueed itself.
     And if хобби and the enthusiasmes have not appeared, and there is a growing interest to alcohol, or,
  That ещ ё it is worse to drugs. Then write, was gone. A little that will occur
  деградация of the person, if she(it), certainly, is, person this. So ещ ё these pernicious habits
  In times approach a complete victory of an illness. And if earlier, was considered, that it is a problem
  The senior age, now opinion of the experts has changed. Now in пору to rescue ours
 молодёжь. Already not a secret, that is a lot of the young people suffer by sexual powerlessness.
  But at them of ambitions though take away, it is more difficult to them ещ ё to admit it, than mature man.
  That though understands, that is necessary to address to the experts. And at the young man, fear
   Exposures before environmental more strongly, than care of the health.
   From here both suicide, and other acts. The horror, that occurs, only we try not
 To notice problems. At us вс ё it is good. You see it is necessary to recognize, that the problem is, and she(it)
 Very much серьёзная, will come е ё to decide(solve). And so it is convenient. There are no questions. And anything it is not necessary to do(make).
   Whether there is an output(exit)? Certainly, is. The answer you can and will discourage, but other output(exit) is not present.
     It is necessary simply to cease be indifferent. Only and everything, will tell. Not only. I assure,
  It not so that simply to make. You see if there was no indifference to the close people,
  The approaching symptoms of this illness, could notice close. And even if and
  Have not noticed, the attitudes(relation), would allow to ask of the help for them.
    And so, we are floating on life in themselves. And that beside is necessary, whom be to, the help we do not want
To think. So is more comfortable. The danger that when the help is required to ourselves, we е ё
 Let's not receive. The closed circle?

   And вс ё, that wanted to tell .Но it is necessary to live and to struggle. .Не to lower(omit) hands. Вс ё it will be good.

   Clause is devoted Н.П. 24 years.

    I am not forgiven. Protect itself. Before meetings.  

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