Recently has learned(found out) about the very interesting fact. I would say about epoch-making event. It appears, on ways to construction of a civil society(community) we have reached(achieved) very much even of appreciable results. Do not believe? Зря do not believe. You see up to what have lived. The people has selected, the people and sends in a resignation. As earlier liked to speak. The group of the comrades calls all dissatisfied to subscribe under the reference(manipulation), which neither it is a lot of, nor sends in a resignation Владимира Путина a little. I very harmful in this plan, therefore have gone, what so to say more close, to meet this interesting document. I very much like logic, therefore by first step who was to learn(find out) the initiator, зачинщик so to say it прелюбопытнейшего of undertaking. Surnames I shall not name, you and вс ё will read, but I shall say that. The known and less known people. Dear and not so dear citizens of the country. Has read. Has read closely(attentively). The admirer Путина never was. It I that would be no accusations in my address. But … ….
The sensation has appeared, that somewhere I already saw it, heard, read. And here logic has prompted. If to replace a surname Путина, with any other of last our leaders, nothing will change. Well, I shall say for the sake of justice, that the pair of the offers should be changed. And how on писаному. No, I am nothing Путин would leave in a resignation. Time all people it wants, that to me from collective to be separated. I завсегда with the people. We who? If who has forgotten, I shall remind. Гегемоны we. And only we solve to remain on the post, to what be to the leader whether or not. Yes, we such. If what not so, we shall send any in a resignation, despite of the last merits. And any покаянные of speech will not help. The people has decided(solved), so to that and to be. But I was guarded with one circumstance. Is written correctly. But something not so. As not ours is spoken подчерк. Enemies probably wrote. The people he is easier as writes. It would be clear that. And here there are a lot of questions at once has arisen. No, better I would not read. At one the pressure raises, and at me in such cases raises вредность. Has switched on ещ ё of time logic, and at once вс ё has understood. Подстава. How to drink to give подстава. And as differently. Сказавши, And, it would be necessary to speak and,.
Write, that Путин should leave. And where? More correctly, how it should take place? He, probably, should read this reference(manipulation), very strongly be frightened, go in a staff department and write the application for a leaving(care). We admit(allow), that so. And as the system approach. Replacement on Иванова, Сидорова, Петрова, I think, nothing will give. Then what sense to change one for another. But in the letter I have not seen main, as it will occur in real life, if he does not want. Возьмёт also will spit on opinion of all people, and advanced е ё of a part in particular. It is very interesting. We admit(allow), I shall sign. I speak, we admit(allow). My signature will impose on me the certain obligations to the people. That I not струшу, not of the ladies so to say a back course. I promise, that if I shall sign, up to the end shall go. And how then to me to be? I you see promised. Путин does not leave. To me what by storm to take governmental buildings? Then again question. Who will carry out a management(manual) of military operation? Names, please. With what made the text of the letter, I on storm shall not go. And how much us will be? If we shall bypass without storm and victims, it would be desirable to hear the plan of displacement Путина. And, at last, ещ ё one question. Who can is cleverer, but I the truth have not understood from this letter. We only Путина shall send in a resignation? Or it(him) will join and Д.Медведев. If two, why about it in the letter directly is not specified. Why I should guess on coffee more richly. I you see am not simple so I ask. One to clean(remove) this one, and if two, then попотеть will come. Suddenly both of them will not agree. Then represent, how much buildings to grasp will come. And if the speech goes only about displacement Путина, I categorically disagree. Not because I like it(him). No. I do not like when of the people do(make) the fools. Has switched on logic. Excuse for вредность, but the idea has arisen at once. It can Д.Медведев wants thus to try to get rid of the control above it(him) from the party В.Путина. Feeler such starts. And me tell about судьбах of the country. Such is excluded? I do not know, is foggy вс ё as in the letter. But not спроста these comrades it(him) have written. Can, the latent enemies of a mode reveal. Вс ё can be.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. March 2010 of.