So повелось, that the person of the chief, any level, causes
Interest. And first persons of the state, especially. Today would be desirable to talk, about
Путине В.В.. Though, if it is honour to speak, is especial there is nothing. Путин, this whole
The phenomenon. It is pleasant to us whether or not, but it so. Let's not go deep into a history.
Let's recollect Н.С.Хрущёва. With a name of this man, one word is indissolubly connected.
Corn. Take Горбачёва М.С.. This man associates with antialcoholic
By the company. Ельцин Б.Н. The Tennis is strong connected to a word. Путин В.В. It, certainly
Word Дзюдо. Медведев Д.А. At us the large fan(amateur) сайтостроения in the Internet.
What in it, bad? Poorly one, хобби of one man, becomes general
By line of development, for all country. Taking into account ours лизоблюдство, I present, what
The means were spent, and are spent, what потрафить to the next leader of the country. And it,
Besides those means, which are simply plundered.
But … ….. We have that we have. Other leaders at us no. Remember, addressed to
В.В.Путину, on very серьёзному for our family to a question. From the legal point of view,
The question should be decided(solved) in our advantage(benefit). But, we live in Russia. At us the law, it
Not that in what be to other country. So, from the point of view of the state, it was
At all question. So, песчинка. It was necessary, only, what on a place, the authority executed the law. Only present, it was required, that would interfere the Chief of state.
Nonsense. There are, certainly, legal collisions, when it is really necessary,
That the President would interfere. But it is single instances. And at us everywhere, the people write
To the President. This вера in Kind King, sits at us at a genetic level.
We can not on another. Then there is a question. If I there is a lot of обращений to Reign - батюшке, that then does(makes) authority on places. I answer. Everywhere steals, and
Is engaged in the personal businesses. If it would be not so, would not write
It is so much the people, челобитные I reign. That fact, that the decision of these questions is interesting,,
Does not bring advantage(benefit), by way of construction of a lawful state. Questions, too
Fine. Yes, for the people it happens, what is it most important questions in their life. As a whole,
They, these questions are secondary. But, after they are decided(solved), all around, know, that
Have written Путину the letter, and he has helped.
It origin Веры, in King - батюшку. And for the Russians, it is what that, divine
Вера, yes will excuse me Господь, behind such Богохульство. We свято believe, that Путин
Can вс ё. A trouble, that the system questions, are not decided(solved). And decision household
Questions, speaks, only about weakness of all system.
And if to glance in the future, yes ещ ё and to recollect historical parallels, to me
It becomes terrible. Already was in our history, when was расстреляна вера in King.
That from this has left, and that it has followed, we think, that we remember. Each chief, should decide(solve) the questions. This пиар, up to goods will not finish. The people,
In any case will reach until, when will be from Путина, at first to ask, and
Then and to require(demand), decision of system questions.
And here, just will come(step) bitter похмелье. To solve the problem with purchase
For needy family of a children's carriage, this one. And to improve a standard of living of the population,
To create rules of game, for everything, it absolutely another. I assure, you, that then will not help,
All state device of power(force) compulsion. For that simple reason, that
He can not resist to Russian Revolt. It is terrible force. The truth, blind, in
Fair anger. I think, that remained a little. Вс ё depends on an instinct of self-preservation at authority. Though I think, that he already атрофирован.
You see, as a matter of fact, we now live and проедаем, heritage and fruits of work, last
Generations. It is pleasant, somebody, whether or not, but, that is, that is. The truth, our life is those, bitter. As far as, this heritage will suffice, what safety factor them
Is incorporated, to say very difficultly. Really, вс ё is already predetermined. And Путин?
And, that Путин. Путин, only, next man, which at top Олимпа
Authorities. How much them there were and will be.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
And you, that think, in this occasion.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
The author Gorg. October. 2009.