When familiar has read first two parts, has said that at me violent imagination. I do not consider(count) so, simply I like logically to think. Present such picture. You sit, for example, впятером in the company and discuss, for example who любовник at соседки by a floor is lower. All people checked up, you completely trust by them, but concerning one comrade you at all have doubts. Under a plausible pretext you from him(it) get rid, continue conversation, and in couple of days learn(find out), that from this соседки at home grandiose scandal. Who? On my sight, not this main. Main that you very much trust to the man before to inform with it(him) with what or information. Such people also are necessary to special services. Are necessary and are used. And we never learn of their names. We shall not dare at all to think that they cooperate with bodies. Well it or is bad, it is a separate question. I shall not result the list of the known and famous people, which were noticed in such communications(connections). And how much was not noticed? If you think, that now them became less, deeply be mistaken. I assure you, them became ещ ё more. Georgia, believe, is not exception of this rule. Ways what to force the man to cooperate very much. The man is weak, as to speak. It is possible to break on family, children, whether the parents … … .Да it is not enough on what. That fact is interesting, that some and to break that especially it is not necessary. They only also wait, that them would offer to cooperate. Whether there is an output(exit) from such situation. No. The output(exit) no. But to weaken this process it is possible. It is necessary to beat out from hands of special services the most important tool. To accept the law, which would amnesty the people, which cooperated and continue cooperation with bodies. To give guarantees. Main that this law really would work, instead of would be accepted only on a paper. And now we shall return to our candidate. Why he on us works? Fear. But fear that? Thirst of authority? But he and so in authority. Вера in that the actions he works for the boon of Georgia? It is a lot of motives. But, on my sight, it вс ё-таки Thirst of Authority. This motive will be stronger than others. Such happens of time in life. A real opportunity to become the chief of the country. The truth with the another's help, but who then will recollect. Each of us collided with the careerists at job, which on corpses went on карьерной to a ladder. But went. Our case differs in a root. It is the silent careerist. He could not, would not decide. And with the another's help, this other business. The silent quiet man doing(making) сво ё business. Clever. In doubtful businesses tried to not interfere. And if participated, on supporting parts. It is pleasant to all. And clergy, and купечеству ….. Reputation, almost faultless. The candidate ideal would be impossible that. No, he same, as all. The usual man. With слабостями and lacks. But small. If вс ё it I would begin to put into practice, I think, that at me вс ё it would turn out. Well not at me one certainly. The special services use boundless opportunities of the state.
I did not put by the purpose, to guess, who will be the candidate from Russia on choices in Georgia. As well as did not put by the purpose to foresee, as the situation will develop concerning Russia and М.Саакашвили. No. It was the small imagination on the theme, given by me. Imagination at me large and violent, it to me familiar has said. Firstly I with it(him) have not agreed. And now has reflected. He can and rights.
And вс ё that would be desirable to say.
The author will be grateful for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. March 2010 of.