Did not want to mention this ticklish theme. But … …. If such events
Occur in our life, why to not see at this fact more closely(more attentively).
As it not the single instance, and is pleased таки the widespread practice
In progress on карьерной to a ladder at some men.
Оговорюсь at once, that we shall not judge these people. Everyone chooses, as to him
To live and to work. It is pleasant to them so to live. Please. If only on advantage(benefit) went. So, that
We have. For the beginning, we have the clever wife. Naturally nice, and ещ ё it is better
Beautiful. The husband who has been not burdened with moral values. But considering(counting) itself,
By the very clever and gifted man. All around of lack of talent(dullard), and he such white and
Fluffy. He considers(counts), that it is very difficult for such talented people, without блата, to go upwards
On карьерной to a ladder. But in depth of soul, he вс ё-таки hopes, that his(its) time will come also.
There will come(step) also his(its) star hour.
And wife? The wife begins to do(make) career to the husband. Than? By most expensive(dear), that at not ё is. By itself. Such особы, know, of whom it is necessary to be friends to support the attitudes(relation). With whom,
For the sake of career of the husband, it is possible and переспать. It is done(made) certainly, not for one day. And not so
Is open and cynically, as I have described. But essence of a question, it does not change. Любовник, helps
е ё to the husband in карьерном growth. Not вс ё it happens smoothly, there are failures, but they втроём, together
Really husband, does not guess. There is also such. But even if arise, though what
Be suspicions, is silent. Try, to say about the suspicions. It is possible so much
To listen in the address. And, as you could, only think such. And by it you have offended
The most light feelings the wife. And much, much another. At cultured people, вс ё on
Trust. And, as on another. So, that if then weighty proofs, also will appear
Late. The train has left. Not everyone wants рушить, that is created by such heavy work
The close people. And family, children, life, job. And live. Side by side.
Other case, when the husband вс ё knows, and it is it(him) quite arranges. Be not surprised, is
It is a lot of such comrades. To condemn? For what. The owner - барин. Can to him it is pleasant.
Main, that the career is sharp in a mountain has gone. Yes, and itself it is possible, as to the growing chief to descend(go) on the left. The boon of lack of the women, which are twisted around
Managements(manual), is not tested. The wife learns(finds out)? Yes at not ё at itself рыльце in a gun. And even
If learns(finds out),, how the clever and cultured woman, will not show also kind. What for рушить
Family building.
Well it, or is bad. Looking for whom. For the wife, it is normal, at such раскладе. If to change, with advantage(benefit). Вс ё for houses, for family. For the husband, like too
вс ё well develops. Карьерный growth, he you see and on well-being of family very much
Has an effect. For любовника? To him that. He is pleased. It turns out by all well.
No. At such attitude(relation), is lost main. Love and Soul. But who about these concepts
Recollects on the initial stage. And then, when will recollect, already late. It, only
In the event that will recollect. It happens you see, that in this race, about all overlook(forget).
For certain and in your life, there are such examples. That here will say. Everyone lives, as
He would like. But … ….. If it is honour, I do not understand such men. This, as is necessary itself
To not respect. Not in condemnation is said, only it is a little opposite. Life one, really
е ё it is necessary to live in lie. Agree, that the destiny disposes so, that we live and we work
Not there, where we want, and not as we want.
But you see the family, this that place, where вс ё, or nearly so вс ё depends on us. Really, family
The happiness, is possible to exchange on карьерный growth. Really, this growth, costs(stands) it.
You as think.
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.