Earlier, I had to clear a letter box, approximately, time per one week.
Now, it became worse. Time, per three days it is necessary to clean. Did not pay attention, on
This fact. And here has decided(solved) to see, that I clean. Will not believe, but lion's share
The cleared letters, make the letters, from the so-called misters - comrades. Well,
The sexual theme of some my clauses is not pleasant to them. Such impression, that they,
Do not see other my clauses. Though, who, that wants to see. I already spoke, on this
To occasion. Wrote on a theme of sex. I write. Also I shall write further. The sirs - comrades,
I ещ ё and about oral sex shall write. Give only time. Because I consider(count), sex,
By the important part in our life. Е ё by the main component. It, on my sight,
Last, that remained, while, неподконтрольно to authorities.
Recently, on one page, has got on hot dispute. The note was laid out,
About анальный sex. And comment, what!!!!!! Everyone second, appears,
The large expert in this question. Only, everyone adds a phrase. Itself, or itself,
Did not try, but speak, what is it is not ethic and from the medical point of view, is harmful
For health. What we suddenly everything, steel ethic. Or it is possible to think, that unique(sole), that there was in our life unhealthy, it анальный
Sex. It is possible to think, that at us, it(him) nobody practises in intimate life. That
No on sale various гелей, for greasing. It is good, that though and with large
By work, but is recognized, that the sex at us is. And that all up to deep old age, considered(counted)
, that children are brought by(with) a stork. Анальный the sex, is one of a component, Large
Sex. I simply ascertain the fact. That is, that is. I do not want to operate with the facts, but
The whole peoples, practise it(him), and do not see in it, anything постыдного. In one of
The comments the idea has sounded. The bad associations arise, say. It
The author, comment, had in view of, minority ours. Well, know, who, that wants to notice,
, notices. Well to you together? I am glad for you. And me, is absolute вс ё equally, that
You prefer, and as. This personal business everyone. Simply, it is not necessary to paste
Labels постыдные. So, also it would be desirable to ask. And judge, who? Whether so they безгрешны. No.
They simply would like to seem by the deeply decent(considerable) people. And sense? Well, they want
To be, святее the Daddy Roman. Well, and on health.
By the way, about health. Speak, is very harmful. And, that, someone spent extensive
Researches on добровольцах. Taking into account деликатность of a question, I doubt very much,
In reliability of these data. It turns out, that nobody practises анальный sex, but
Everyone know, is what is it harmful and it is indecent. Interestingly it turns out. Вс ё it is mean and
Oppositely, from their words. But слюнки, probably, flow, at viewing such staff.
It is not necessary to expose other business, that, as well as вс ё intimate, on a human review,
Many things. This one. And with it, I completely agree. Intimate life, it not
For all. But to shout at each corner, that what that of feature of sexual life,
постыдны, are immoral, вредны, further in the text. Who has given you such right?
You though, that, for a long time by sex were engaged, expensive(dear) sirs - comrades, what
Others поучать. Анальный sex, постыден? And in a nose, ковыряться, it is normal?
Know, that has noticed. All pleasure of sex, begin очернять the people, which by her(it),
Any more do not use. Or, can not, by virtue of the different reasons. By him(it), it is simple завидно.
Remember, at Шолохова, when, Аксинья, зажала in a shed, old man Пантелея. Not
Want? And can, can not? Then, anothers do not prevent.
And вс ё, that would be desirable to say, in protection анального of sex.
And you, what think?
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. December. 2009.
The author will be grateful, for your comments.