Yours obedient the servant, was born and has grown on Caucasus. And, that such, hospitality,
I know, not by hearsay. The visitor, in the house, it, something especial. Вс ё for the visitor. And even, if
You simply hate the visitor, вс ё departs on the second plan. Then, after he
Will leave your house, you can it(him) though kill. But, it then ….
From lyrical deviations, we shall proceed(pass) to severe prose of life. Dear reader.
You can, to present, such picture. Israel. Tel Aviv. In this city, has bought
Magnificent apartment, and quietly arab lives. That, in it such, you say. Do not hurry up. And if, this arab, at itself, in the Arabian grounds, called to cut the Jews. And not only called. But also itself accepted, in it participation. Or whether,say, can, live in
Yerevan, азербайджанец, which participated in погромах of the Armenian families. And it is not simple
To live. And to continue, for example, not disappearing, to do(make) анти Jewish, or анти Armenian
The statements. Such, can not be, you say. Agree. And laws of hospitality,
Here and. To what, it I. Now will understand. It appears, there is a place, on ground, where,
Such is possible. And this place, our hospitable Russia. With everything, е ё by cities, and весями. And main, our city Moscow, not exception. And, most likely, rule. An example,
By all by rest. To what, it I? Now will understand. I do not want to pass to the person.
Believe, it is a lot of them so, that their one transfer, would borrow(occupy), not one page. Only,
Some examples. The woman, former party worker from Tadjikistans. In сво ё
Time, called, for the light future. Vigorously, and with party задором. The ambassador
Disorder USSR, same lady, as vigorously called to destroy families Russian
оккупантов. And not simply called, and accepted active participation in this process.
Georgia. One of approached to a management(manual) of republic, former authority, as
Was engaged зачисткой, russian population. Оккупантов, it is necessary to expel, on a historical native land., he also expelled.
Moldova. One, very known composer, which very much liked, and till now
Like in Russia, did(made), same. On meetings of opposition, warmed up crowd on погромы, all same, so by him(it) unloved оккупантов. Let's add, to it(him), all, very much,
The known Moldavian actor. Which, as from tribunes, called to destroy, вс ё
The russian population. The truth, has not prevented this любимцу of the Russian women
Then, to accept the donations of the Russians, for realization of operation in the Russian clinic.
And it is possible to continue and to continue this list. Well also that, you say. The man, has
The sights. A position. Let and aggressive. He has made the choice. Agree.
But, the wildness(absurdity) and absurdity of a situation, consists, in a choice, these people, place,
жительства. Guess, from the first attempt. Where, all of them live? Correctly.
In Moscow. And not simply live, I assure you. Live magnificently. Good. Can, they have realized, have repented. Everyone, in life happens. To the man, it is peculiar to be mistaken. No.
I shall say, more. They to the right, and on лево distribute interview, where state the position,
That, Russia - жандарм. They at all do not hide, political sights.
As, you such hospitality. No. It, to hospitality, has, what
The attitudes(relation). It is simple indifference of authority. Indifference of the people. There is no, a unification of a nation.
And it, should be. If the nation, wants to survive. Should, ещ ё to be and pride. Love
To a native Land. Excuse me, for such high words.
But, much to our regret, anything it no. There is a desire to have, is larger than money.
Desire, simply, quietly to live. If only me did not touch. It is a very dangerous position.
She, results, only in loss everything, that is possible to name, comprehension, national
Accessories(belonging). More correctly, already has resulted. I do not call, to национализму. No. But, and that
There is now, in Russia, with so-called, hospitality,, a pleasure, does not cause.
Interestingly that вс ё it is done(made), from the sanction of authority. Interests of the state.
Well - well … …..
And вс ё, that wanted to say.
The author, will be grateful, for your comments.
I do not say goodbye. Before meetings. Take care.
The author Gorg. November. 2009.
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