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It Is Accepted to speak of strong world сего. А in than power strong? On this war "greater people" were ed for back of the small person. Voistinu, the last became first. Our elite first runs "to saw" old womans, but on protection of the Native land go the children a worker and крестьян. Exactly "weak", often called in army with deficit of the mass of the body, have shown power of the spirit. They did not start to remember, as state has deprived their parents of the work, tolerable life, ввергнув them in poverty and heavy survival. They did not avenge the Native land at difficult moment even inaction. Any democrat, on sneeze which in due course did not сбежались the medical luminaries, remembers this country in heavy timeses. And avenges. The Son worker and peasant, fleeced, abject, Native land protects.
In peak of the hostilities russian oligarch, ostensibly not unknown Prohorov, buies the most expensive villa in the world. Simultaneously on the whole Russia on the initiative people goes the collection of the voluntary donation damaged from georgian aggression. Who carries the group of ten, who hundred, who blanket, who products. On money, returned by oligarch for villa, possible restore whole Chinval: kindergartens, hospitals, theatre, schools, university. Either as raise the small city in most Russia, before which all hands do not reach.
Buying the villa by oligarch not economic step, but идеологический gesture, cynical sputum in person folk.
The News смакуют the details of the buying the age and then and there tell that widow погибшего Hero to Russia of the major Vetchinova, the price to its lifes спасшего several persons, possible, will select the apartment in Volgograd. 32-year major, not once canned be in CHechne, beside which remained the wife, small daughter, perished the бесквартирным. The Apartment to widow Hero only promise to give. But families of some Heroes to Russia, got this rank as far back as first chechen, hitherto live in dormitory. But just when country regained consciousness after chechen wars, абрамовичи hectare bought up London with his(its) suburb and soccer club. In what country if there is word "fairness" in her(its) language, possible such?
In rows protector Native lands was not nor one scion of elite. Not knowing wars, протусовавшись during combat action in night clubs of the capital and Azure of the coast, she выползут and начнут create next "девятые mouths", where will pour the dirt on our army.
During Great Domestic war children leaders USSR waged war. Both native s Iosifa Vissarionovicha Stalina, Yaks and Vasiliy, were on front, Yaks to perished. The Receiving son вождя Artem Sergeev artilleryman passed whole war. The Sons Anastasa Mikoyana were on front, son Volodya to perished. Perished Timur Frunze. Artem Sergeev spoke: "Our parents were proud that we, sons, protect the country. "Gold(en) youth" then was gold(en) on the personal quality. Responsibility for Native land beside us and our parents was stupendous. You must protect the Native land all facility, including own life. No doubts in this neither beside us, nor beside our parents was not".
Served in armies, waged war and russian дворяне, grand dukes, great duchesses and царевны worked in hospital. All known feat of the general Raevskogo, шедшего in fighting with sons. Even though this legend, in it all believe. But will believe who, start;put such legend about present power propertied? The Breakwater, Serdyukov with fume, Sergey Ivanov with sons No, that сыночки prefer on moscow street on лексусах бешено гонять.
In timeses Great Domestic One-ruble note keeped a check on news of the front: as there my? During present fighting whole One-ruble note keeps a check on news with stock market: as there my count? To whom war, but to whom good business, nothing personal.
Folk its participation in this war, геройством, power of the spirit has shown the love to country and readiness to defend her(its) honour and value. But state can not be united and strong at presence hated all for corruptibility and cynicism to oligarchies and her(its) проституирующего circle from native and servants.
The Russian poor person can suddenly think: but that me, more all it is necessary? If I am eating one herculean porridge, going in fighting and жертвуя itself, but treasonous elite creates mosaic панно from diamond and ruby in their own can, and power this panders, that has power right to rule and вершить my fate?
"Weak section of" modern Russia her(its) elite. The Social device our society must be is radically changed. Otherwise society to split, not having born next blow and convulsions, which else wait us ahead of.
Anna Serafimova
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